Grandmother confronts teen who body-slammed her at pool party

68-year-old Nancy James came face-to-face in a courtroom with the teenager who body-slammed her at a pool party after she asked his friends to lower their music.
68-year-old Nancy James came face-to-face in a courtroom with the teenager who body-slammed her at a pool party after she asked his friends to lower their music.
68-year-old Nancy James came face-to-face in a courtroom with the teenager who body-slammed her at a pool party after she asked his friends to lower their music.

Grandmother confronts teen who body-slammed her at pool party

Ny Magee

The grandmother approached the teens at a pool party near her house in North Lauderdale, Fla., in May. “Inside Edition” reports that the shocking footage showed her being body-slammed by a then-16-year-old, dragged, and thrown into the pool. Prior to the incident, James had undergone hip and heart procedures.

In July, James confronted the teenager, Leon Balfour Joseph, who was charged with battery.

A grandmother came face-to-face in a courtroom with the teenager who body-slammed her at a pool party

“What he did was a very cruel thing. Very cruel. Very in-human,” she told the court, before addressing him directly. “You have so much ahead of you. You’re a young kid. You’ve got college. You got hopes. You got dreams, and you know what, unfortunately, this will follow you, forever.”

Judge Elijah Williams agreed.

“For the rest of his life when they Google his name, that video is going to pop up, so essentially, he’s a dead man walking,” the judge said.

Leon’s mother, Shekita Johnson, said: “I just want to apologize to you for what my son did. I didn’t raise my child that way.

The teenager also had words for James.

“I mean this from the bottom of my heart that I had no intention of inflicting any pain or harm on you,” he said.

James’ compassion for the troubled youth spared him time in jail. According to reports, she was willing to accept his sentence of 200 hours of community service and a strict 8 p.m. curfew on school days, and 6 p.m. on weekends.

The teen, whose father is allegedly in prison for man-slaughter, was also ordered to pay James $200 to replace her cell phone that got damaged during the attack.


About Carma Henry 26796 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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