Photo credit: Fine Art American

By Joseph Bundy

Carter G. Woodson was the first descendant of slave parents to receive a Ph.D. in History from Harvard.  During Dr. Woodson’s meticulous research, he discovered a disturbing trend in the segregated institutions designated to provide education for Negroes {African Americans}.  Dr. Woodson found that the American educational curriculum was designed to indoctrinate rather than educate African American citizens. The ethos of white supremacy was teaching Black People that their second-class status in the United States was a result of Negroid inferiority to Caucasians. Black achievement and White suppression were not allowed to be taught.

Dr. Woodson published this revelation in his 1933 book, The Mis – Education of The Negro.  However, He was not satisfied with just identifying the problem. Through his publications and organizational efforts, Dr. Woodson made great strides to make sure African Americans started receiving a proper education accessible to everyone. However, in the year 2024, our nation is faced with another serious dilemma. It is a bacterial infection of ignorance that has appeared in Florida and is threatening to spread throughout the nation. Governor DeSantis signed into law a bill prohibiting public schools and private business from teaching “anything would make White People uncomfortable.  Furthermore, Governor Santis has promoted the slogan “we don’t care for you to share.” He was referring to Black History and culture.

If John Brown, Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, and Abraham Lincoln hadn’t made White people uncomfortable; slavery would still be legal in the United States of America.  If Rosa Parks hadn’t Sit on a Bus in Montgomery, Alabama and made White people uncomfortable “Florida and all the former Confederate States would still be a bastion for segregation. If Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP hadn’t made White people uncomfortable, Separate But equal would still be The Law of The Land. If A Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, and Martin Luther King, Jr. hadn’t lead thousands of Americans to March on Washington, DC August 28, 1963, to make President Lyndon Johnson and Congress uncomfortable the 1964 Civil Rights Bill and the 1965 Voting Rights Act would not have become law. If Reverend Leon Sullivan hadn’t made General Motors and corporate America uncomfortable, apartheid would still be in South Africa. If America hadn’t stopped listening to Vice President Al Gore’s warnings about climate change because it was “An Inconvenient Truth,” we might not be experiencing so many catastrophic fires and floods.

As citizens we cannot tolerate The Mis-Education of White People. Such an egregious disregard for learning has already resulted in people being taught that the likes of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the Ku Klux

Klan is a noble person deserving a sculptured monument in Memphis, Tennessee. Mis-education causes people to believe the Sandy Hook School Shooting was a hoax designed to deprive you of your right to bear arms.

When you go to your church, synagogue, Mosque, or Temple, to worship and learn, if your Iman, Preacher, Priest or Rabbi etc. hasn’t said something to make you feel uncomfortable you might consider changing your house of worship. Every time you hear a shout in church it is not always the Holy Ghost. Sometime the minister has said a truth that steps on your toes. If your education at whatever level has never made you feel uncomfortable, then your diploma is in ignorance, your degree is in stupidity, and your destiny is going through life like a fool.

About Carma Henry 25108 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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