The Gantt Report
By Lucius Gantt
News accounts report that a group of young people met with conservative Presidential candidate Donald Trump recently at a fast-food restaurant in Atlanta’s Vine City neighborhood.
If you don’t know, Vine City is one of Atlanta’s poorest neighborhoods. The restaurant, Chic-Fil-A, is owned by members of the Cathy family, one of the richest families in America.
The news networks you love showed videos that depicted a few young Blacks smiling with Trump. Perhaps they were smiling because they got a piece of chicken and a milkshake.
The music group “Bell, Biv and DeVoe” had a song about trusting a woman with a big butt and a smile. I guess the same goes for trusting a white nationalist with a milkshake and a big piece of chicken!
Anyway, some news reporters that you favor are suggesting that a few Black students from the nearby Atlanta University Center of HBCUs who met Trump mean that significant numbers of young Blacks will vote for criminally former President.
I disagree.
Now, it’s no secret that in almost every election on every level, some Black voters will cast ballots for Republican candidates but if Democrats get 90% of Black votes, Democrats will be more than satisfied.
It is also no mystery why a few Blacks attend Trump rallies and events.
It’s about the money and it’s about the campaign strategies and philosophies of the candidates and the political parties.
You see there are major differences between how the major political parties operate.
Sorry to say, but any political professional will tell you that one party will spend political dollars with anybody that they believe can generate votes for Republican candidates.
The other party prefers to hire individuals they believe they can control.
The 2024 election is expected to be close. Don’t take my word for it, but it will not be unusual if the party favored by Black voters loses, Black voters will be blamed, in some respects, for the loss.
Also, it is no way in hell Donald Trump will get the majority of Black votes cast in the 2024 election for President, but Trump is lying and trying to get all of the Black votes he can.
You tell me, why isn’t the other party meeting with voters in so-called, Red, or Republican districts and communities?
Candidates and Parties that really want to win should fight for votes in every state, every city, and every neighborhood!
Now, Trump meeting with youthful Black voters is not the main problem for President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.
MAGA Democrats will be the reason if President Biden is not reelected.
Let me explain. While reporters are trying to get all riled up about a few Blacks eating chicken with Trump, Democrats should be concerned about the 50% of white men over 35 years of age that tell pollsters that they will vote for Trump.
Any rudimentary glance at Democratic political strategy will show that every year Democrats seek to get votes from registered older white men and every year older, more conservative white male Democrats are voting for Republicans when they go to the ballot box.
Also, the major media messages and campaign commercials that are currently airing, appear to be a recognizable upgrade because the topics of women’s rights to choose, maintaining democracy, and supporting America’s allies are sound to some voters.