Nigeria: Christian boys murdered, bodies slashed by sachetes; 250 massacred in two months

A Christian family mourn three relatives killed by armed Fulani herdsmen in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria, in December 2011. (PHOTO: REUTERS/AFOLABI SOTUNDE)
A Christian family mourn three relatives killed by armed Fulani herdsmen in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria, in December 2011. (PHOTO: REUTERS/AFOLABI SOTUNDE)

By Stoyan Zaimov , Christian Post Reporter

Two Christian boys were murdered last week by Fulani radicals in Plateau State in Nigeria, with the violence having claimed over 250 lives in two months.

International Christian Concern reported that the bodies of Ntyang Pam Danjuma and Mesheck Dalyop Kang’ageda, aged 9 and 10 respectively, were found maimed by bullets and slashed by machetes. They had been killed on Sept. 14 while caring for a herd of cows, though a third child that was with them was able to escape.

Local police have said that they are searching for the attackers, believed to be Fulani Muslim radicals who have killed thousands of Christians since the beginning of the year.

“The Nigerian government continues to be complacent in dealing with the problem of the Fulani militants, who have in 2018 killed nearly three times as many people as Boko Haram,” ICC said.

“If they do not ensure the safety of all of their people, they are going to have continued fighting that will increase as communities decide to defend themselves and their families.”

Human rights groups in Nigeria, such as the International Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law, have warned that jihadists presenting themselves as Fulani farmers are deliberately slaughtering Christians and burning their churches.

Emeka Umeagbalasi, board chairman of Intersociety, told The Christian Post in August that the Nigerian government continues attempting to characterize the killings as clashes between farmers and herders. He said that what is happening is targeted attacks aimed at killing and driving out Christians.

Combining statistics and news reports of killings since July, Intersociety reported on Sunday that no fewer than 250 believers have been killed in the last two months alone.



About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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