By John Johnson II
Republicans and their base of white supremacist have focused their homophobic attacks on society’s most vulnerable, our children. Unfortunately, their demonic logic suggests that if there’s no mention made of the word “gay” they somehow merely become invisible and develop as heterosexuals.
Given that psychological studies have revealed that same-sex attraction isn’t a mental illness; but rather it’s as natural as children’s whose developmental sexual orientation is towards straight behavior (heterosexual).
It’s disingenuous to attempt to manipulate data collected, validated, and published by renown psychologists, such as Jean Piaget, Erick Erickson, and others regarding the stages of children and human development. It has been reported that human development is a predictable process which encompasses four stages; infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
However, same-sex attraction isn’t a stage of development that humans go through; therefore, politicians shouldn’t attempt to suppress or control it with legislation or impose punishments for merely acknowledging or accepting a child’s sexual orientation.
Will teachers be forced to work governed by an “Invisible Children Doctrine” or the even more reprehensible Law called “Don’t Say Gay Bill?” Will teachers face punishment for allowing a boy to join the girls line? Will there be a punishment for the child who acknowledges that he’s a girl “trapped” in a boy’s body?
Shamefully, the recently passed “Don’t Say Gay Bill” will force teachers in grades K through grade three to treat children with same sex attraction as though they’re invisible. The name of this bill‘s really should’ve been the “Children’s Sharia Law.”
Remember, it isn’t the word “Gay,” that’s killing our children; it’s the refusal of legislators to regulate the 2nd Amendment. Its major provision simply stated, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arm, shall not be infringed.”
This amendment’s failure to specify where people can keep and bear arms, as well as the type of arms, surely allows honorable legislators to enact common sense gun laws. Besides since the 2nd Amendment doesn’t address ammunition, why not begin regulating and documenting ammunition caliber, and quantity of sales?
None of our children will ever be invisible to teachers or need protection from the word, “Gay.” In fact, because our children are sacred, they’re more in need of protection from the archaic 2nd Amendment!