Piney Grove Boys Academy — First Baptist Church Piney Grove held their First Annual Fundraising Dinner for Piney Grove Boys Academy on May 31, 2013. The dinner was held to raise money to assist with reducing the cost of tuition and other expenses for boys who will be attending the all boys’ school opening this fall in Lauderdale Lakes. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Derrick J. Hughes, who is the founder was the guest speaker. Future students put on a display of drill maneuvers which had been taught to them by BSO Captain Josefa Benjamin. The affair was well attended and held at the Urban League of Broward County. Applications for enrollment are still being accepted and scholarships are available. Anyone interested in donating to PGBA can make checks payable to First Baptist Church Piney Grove. For more information call (954) 731-0239 or www.pineygroveacademy.org.