Presidential Debate or Slugfest

John Johnson II

“One who allows political affiliations, antidemocratic beliefs, and a white supremacy ideology to determine their choice for the presidency is neither wise nor worthy of the freedoms others have died to protect.”    John Johnson II, 06/27/24

 By John Johnson II

America’s 2024 presidential election features two debates between President Joe Biden and former President Donald J. Trump. Biden’s height of 6ft.  and 174 pounds classifies him as a light heavyweight. When booked at Fulton County Jail, Trump’s height measured  6ft.- 3 and 215 pounds, classifying him as a middle heavyweight.

Despite his age of 81 and occasional mispronunciations, Biden has shown remarkable stamina and focus throughout his campaign. His quick wit and ability to respond to sharp verbal jabs from voters and Congresspersons, such as Senator Majorie Taylor Greene,  revealed outstanding defensive skills. As demonstrated in his State of the Union speech, he instilled confidence in navigating the upcoming debate.

Trump, at 78, is slightly younger than Biden, but his weight and age suggest potential challenges. His weak points may be his tendency to ramble and lose focus during long rallies and his reputation as a less skilled debater. However, his potential use of bombastic rhetoric to unsettle Biden should provide a slight advantage.

It’s speculated that Trump will attempt to deliver a decisive verbal attack against Biden at the beginning of the debate. His potential to mock and belittle opponents, even if they’re meek, indicates Biden won’t receive an ounce of mercy. This potential high-stakes confrontation adds an intriguing element to the debate.

Biden’s cognitive, perceptional, and critical thinking skills gave him a commanding edge on the pundits’ scorecard. Trump, on the other hand, received an edge because of his adeptness in avoiding answering tough questions directly. They predicted he’d use outlandish misinformation or critical statements to counter-punch Biden throughout the debate.

It’s a given that Biden won’t float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. Nor will he have to resort to the rope-a-dope approach, allowing Trump to land repeated verbal blows. Yet pundits predict that Biden will use facts,  figures,  and Trump’s past mistakes to unsettle him.

Trump’s emotional responses are well-documented, often leading him to deviate from his prepared remarks. Recently, he reacted strongly to comments made by his wife, Melania, about his mental state, leading him to make a candid and unexpected statement. According to a satirical piece in the Borowitz Report, Trump quipped, “I may be 78, but I have the mind of a two-year-old.” This statement is his first ever live truthful confession! Also, this level of unpredictability adds a layer of excitement to the upcoming debates.

After learning of Trump’s description of his mental age as that of a two-year-old, pundits will find it difficult to call this event a debate or a slugfest. They’ll call it a “Story Hour” between two senior citizens: one who stutters occasionally but is mentally sharp and possesses integrity and one with the mind of a two-year-old.

This analysis seeks to understand each candidate’s strengths, weaknesses, and Potential strategies, thus paving the way for a robust and entertaining debate or slugfest.



About Carma Henry 25280 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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