Republican Anti-American job bill
By Kevin Palmer
For some Republicans, the America first political slogan is code for loyalty to any lobbyist who makes the highest contribution. That could explain why Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson sponsored a bill that is clearly anti-American. In June 2015, Senator Isakson introduced bill S.1547. Partner with Korea Act, which will set aside 15,000 high paying jobs each fiscal year for Korean immigrants.
Specifically, The Partner with Korea Act “amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to create an E-4 treaty trader visa category for up to 15,000 nationals of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) each fiscal year that are coming to the United States solely to perform specialty occupation services.” According to the website, examples of specialty services “include those professions involving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). STEM professions overwhelmingly require a minimum bachelor’s degree or an advanced degree.” Apparently, Senator Isakson has lost faith in American college graduates.
Sadly, when politicians become dependent on lobbyists, service to country gives way to self-preservation. That is how American politicians like Isakson convince themselves that employing college educated Korean immigrants is more important than employing college educated American citizens.
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