South Florida Poet Brings Poetry To Broward Arts Center with a full Lineup of Spoken Wordsmiths

Feature Carlos Bozeman (Left) and 15-Year Old Poet Devin Modia (Right) with Audience member Photo Credit: Quick The Poet; FLO4Me LLC
Flopocalypse Story Spoken Word Artists for the evening

By Frankie Red Rosso,

Staff Writer

If you’ve never been to one of Quick The Poet’s Mega-Flo’s, then you haven’t experience the true essence of Spoken Word in South Florida. For 10 years, Quick has been curating shows that leave audience members moved, captivated, and with the desire of wanting more. Each year, the show’s theme, mood, tone, and even acts vary. Ensuring each show is different from the last and keeping innovation and creativity at the forefront and core of each production’s mission. With so many amazing moving parts to this dynamic and unique event, it is without a doubt it had become a staple amongst the south Florida poetry scene and community.

The Mega’Flo events are broken down into a variety of quarterly shows. Ranging throughout the course of the year. Some of the past productions include AnniFloetry- which is a celebration of Floetry’s Annual History; Flopocalypse which is typically the Summertime show which we are currently covering in the confines of this article, Future Floristic Funclusion which is an all-new concept between local community partners that puts together a talent showcase of sorts for special needs and disability children and teens; and lastly FloTheLoveOfMusic which is Quick’s rendition of a Jazz in The Gardens Concept. Combining elements of musical talents by local musicians and instrumentalists. His most recent concept “Quomedy”— bridges the gap between comedy and spoken word and is set to debut next year.

Flopocalypse Story Re, Bradon, Quick and Ramon

“After doing the events for a decade, the biggest variance is making sure that all 5 megaFLOs are not only different from every event – but that they are 100% different from one another.  EVERY YEAR… is a DIFFERENT megaFLO’event series, says Founder and Creator of The MegaFlo’s Quick The Poet.

The event took place Saturday evening July 9th, at The Broward Center For The Performing Arts. Upon entering the stage area, uplifting musical sounds by Dj Sco kept the energy in the room up and the vibes flowing. Poetry Lovers, Community Leaders, Friends, Family members, and even other renowned South Florida Poets and Artists were all in attendance to support this annual event. With every show varying from the last, you never know what you’ll get.

This year’s Flopocalypse opened with a poem by Devin Modia, a 15-Year High school Poet from Flanagan High School. Bridging the artistic gap across generations in the spoken word and creative space. The night then opened with a small preview from all featured artists. Artists came out one by one to share a variety of one-liners and punchline deliverables with audience members as Host Quick Introduced them each by elements of our planet: Earth; Sun; Moon; Water, etc. Giving each poet their own identity for their poetic style and niche.

“Being from Chicago, I already know that I have a image painted before I get a chance to open my mouth, in most cases. Getting a chance to perform amongst these Florida poets is a blessing and a humbling experience. They could have treated me like an outsider, but they embraced me while giving me a lane with them. Honestly, I’m honored,” said newly Florida Resident, Chicago Native, and one of the Features Salem The Poet.

The depth and range in this show’s set was truly felt with each individual poet, as the themes ranged poet to poet. However, Headlining Poet Carlos Robson, shared pieces with great range and perspective that covered an array of topics from veteran awareness; to racial injustice; to even mental health. And though these topics are gut-wrenching and heavy-loaded, Carlos delivered them with such power and conviction; but eased the audience into the seriousness of these subject matters— through elements of comedic relief and creating almost a foil-like character to offset the gloom and darkness of the poems delivered. It was an amazing site to see. Think of it like a Comedic-Poet.

It’s safe to say that Quick The Poet’s shows are not only unique, but cater to vast variety of markets. Creating a safe space for both artists and artistry lovers to coexist. Whether thats through music, poetry, comedy, or a combination of curated arts— his Flopocalypse show lineup highlighted topics relating to love, sex, betrayal, rebuilding, violence, the Black plight, race, culture, socioeconomics, education; politics; womanhood; amongst others. There is a message for everyone.

“The most compelling part of my MegaFLO’ events is how it all around unite & ignites the Poetic Artists & FLO’natics with an explosion of love. I love that no other Poetry & Spokenword event in existence is like it in the world.  They are far from just being artistic showcases.  The megaFLO’s are one of a kind strategically formated unique artistic soul fulfilling experiences,” he added.

For more info about future MegaFLO events & programs, email to

About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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