Stranahan Alumni host first annual Orange & Blue Family Fun Track & Field Invitational
This First Annual Orange & Blue Family Fun Invitational is an event that will help gain exposure for Stranahan High School, the oldest school in Broward County, which is in drastic need of renovations. This event will allow school boards leaders to see that the community rallies behind Stranahan, thus illuminating to Broward School Board members and the community at-large the imperative to make Stranahan a number one priority on their lists of schools that badly need renovation. This event is being organized by Joshauwa L. Brown, SHS alumni – C/O ’01.
Our inaugural invitational will be managed by Split Second Timing, an organization with over 39 years of event management/ planning in south Florida. The event will take place on Saturday, May 13, 2017 at the Orange Bowl Recreational Sports Complex Carter Park. You can register at
Should you have any questions about this event, feel free to contact Event Organizer Joshauwa L. Brown at or (954) 478-9117.