Local News

The ties that bind could leave you in ‘nots’

     It is reported that there are now two Dr. Cartwrights working in the Dirty South, perhaps trying to create a Ponderosa, one in Broward and another in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Sources are telling Detective Traceit that Deputy Superintendent of School Operations, Judy Marte, called in a few favors in her old stomping ground to get Dr. Carl Cartwright hired as a Director in the School Operations division in Miami-Dade County as a favor to her boss, Dr. Vickie Cartwright. Carl Cartwright is the husband of Super Cartwright. […]

Local News

Sand Castles in Broward County

       The Street Detective has been trekking through the county as some are attempting to shovel pals of white beach sand on the head and reputation of Robert “Bob” McKinzie. Some are telling Traceit that dirty politics are at play after McKinzie buried Bob Dubose ten feet under in the recent County Commission race. Dubose and McKinzie once played extremely well in the sand with Dubose actually endorsing McKinzie when he ran for the city of Fort Lauderdale Commission seat. But fast forward a couple election cycles later, Dubose is reporting he regrets even getting in the sand pool with McKinzie and is throwing all kinds of mud on his name both publicly and privately. […]

Local News

A Case For Study

      Ol’ Peter Traceit has been dredging through old police files to sort through some pretty interesting trails left in the sand for easy discovery. Seat 1 of the Broward School Board has quite the soiled past, sodded present and potential for quite the grimy future. […]

Local News

Tomato, Tomatoe, Misfeasance, Malfeasance

     Misfeasance is conduct that is lawful but harms another person financially or physically due to carelessness or an accident. In other words, the Grand Jury found that Board members had a duty to act but failed to act in the safety and wellbeing of others. Miriam and Webster explains that malfeasance is a much higher degree than misfeasance. Malfeasance is when a state official violates ethical laws pertaining to their duties in office which is cause for their removal. So, from what the Detective can deduce, the removal of the four Board members was due to malfeasance while in office. […]

Local News

Playing in a sandstorm can cost you your race

     Ol Street Detective, Peter Traceit, has been dragging through the sands of local politics and has stopped to examine the sandy dastard-liness of a few candidates in races at the state and local levels. Walking through the sands can be an arduous and slow process, but when you add water to the sand and get some sand slinging, things can get all the more interesting. […]

Local News

Who’s to blame?

And we thought that the Broward County School Board  was in a mess. Ol Peter Traceit is finding out that gentrification comes in many ways, shapes, forms, colors, and fashions. People will do anything to land grab and take Black businesses. The streets are saying that Betty’s Restaurant, the old Bass Brothers Market and the old 6 street corner drug store and  Mr. Rooster AKA BGs, are engaged in some strange things happening that may be the down fall of some family owned businesses. The sands alone the corridor are changing faster that we know it, and you will never believe who’s behind it; stay tuned for more sand to fall through the hourglass. […]

Local News

Broward County Purple? Big Three-money, power and position

     But something interesting happened in 2016. Miami-Dade Blue began to gravitate toward Red and now it is more of a Purple county that is struggling to maintain its Blue Hue. Palm Beach, especially the more affluent areas akin to Mara Lago, are also adding some Red flavor to the Blue punch. Broward county maintained it Groovy Blue status in 2016, but six years later, something feels funky. […]