Trails In The Sand by Peter Traceit, the Street Detective
Who’s to blame?
And we thought that the Broward County School Board was in a mess. Ol Peter Traceit is finding out that gentrification comes in many ways, shapes, forms, colors, and fashions. People will do anything to land grab and take Black businesses. The streets are saying that Betty’s Restaurant, the old Bass Brothers Market and the old 6 street corner drug store and Mr. Rooster AKA BGs, are engaged in some strange things happening that may be the down fall of some family owned businesses. The sands alone the corridor are changing faster that we know it, and you will never believe who’s behind it; stay tuned for more sand to fall through the hourglass.
Peter Traceit, the Street Detective, has been dragging through the sands of the Kathleen C. Wright building looking for the person who reduced a 10 day suspension down to five days.
Recently, a teacher from Stranahan High School was recommended to the School Board for a five day suspension for inappropriate sexual behavior toward students. The Street Detective was surprised to learn that the Blind Nine Board members actually open their eyes on occasion and let light come in. Some of them questioned the leniency of the suspension and actually thought the actions of this teacher, which was substantiated by text messages, deserved a much harsher consequence.
When questioning the lack of severity of the consequence, the Blind Nine was not deaf to the superintendent’s lack of accountability. The Board’s fierce questioning revealed that the case of the teacher was heard by the district’s Professional Standards Committee and the committee members recom-mended a 10-day suspension. The Superintendent with sand in her eyes and ears brought it forward as five days on the Board agenda item.
When questioned, Cart-wright claimed that she herself did not reduce the 10 day suspension, but someone else in her office did while she was out sick. Someone actually came into her office without being noticed and went through all her papers and lowered a 10-day suspension to five days. (There is that thing from Osh-Kosh. Taking credit for success, but throwing others under the bus when it’s time for accountability). Cartwright refused to tell who reduced the suspension. Street Detective Traceit was told that the Board didn’t push hard for an answer because as Maury says, “the lie detector determined that was a lie”. They didn’t want to air all that sandy laundry out in the public. But sources tell the Street Detective that Cartwright is under fire because the Board tabled the item to come back at a later date with a revised consequence that is more fitting.
Well, if what the Beach Committee is telling Traceit is true, all trials in the sand lead to Fusco in this case. Traceit is learning that Fusco may have been the culprit or puppeteer manipulating the strings that lowered the suspension to five days. Furthermore, Cartwright seems to be in a serious sand storm because the Board is expecting a consequence that matches the severity of the offense at a future Board meeting, but Fusco is reminding Cartwright that though she works for the Board on paper, she works for her in reality. Some have heard Fusco say that she “owns the superintendent”.
It seems that Cartwright has dug a hole in the sand with Fusco and the BTU that may be too deep for her to emerge from. Only time will tell.
Traceit will continue digging for clues in the sand and news.
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