Bible Trivia
How well do you recall Bible stories? Are you advance or a beginner? Today’s true or false questions will let us know.
A saint is one who is called to be Holy; therefore, all believers are saints. T or F
One of Apostle Paul’s bored sermons caused a man to fall out a window and died. T or F
Joshua dispatched two spies to Jericho, who hid in Rahab’s house. T or F
The New Testament consists of twenty-nine books. T or F
Stephen was executed by stoning. T or F
The death of the firstborn was the tenth plaque that struck Egypt. T or F
The Apostle Paul was a sculptor by trade. T or F
Jesus was the sole surviving child of his parents. T or F
Daniel ate meat from the carcass of a lion. T or F
10) “Christ” is a word that means ‘anointed.” T or F
**Biblical Fact* Did you know that the Great Abraham had such an impact in the Egyptian culture that he taught astronomy and other sciences (motion of the stars, meteorology, mathematics) to the Egyptian priests. The pharaoh was inspired and amazed by the wisdom Abraham possessed.’
Answers: 1) T – 1st Corinthians 1:2; 2) T – Acts 20:9; 3) T – Joshua 2:1; 4) F – Bible table of contents; 5) T – Acts 7:54-60; 6) T – Exodus 11:5; 7) F – Acts 18:1-3; 8) F – Matthew 13:55; 9) F – Judges 14:8-9; 10) T- Luke 4:41