By Kevin Palmer
In America, Meritocracy governs Whites while Meritorious Manumission governs Blacks, consequently, no amount of achievement will lift the Black race off the bottom in net worth or from first place in poverty.
Between 1998 and 2019, there were over 104 significant first-time African American achievements. For instance, in 1999, Franklin Raines of Fannie Mae became the first African American CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, in 2001, Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television, became the first African American billionaire, and in 2008, Barack Obama became the first African American elected president of the United States, etc. Nevertheless, Blacks remained first in poverty and last in median net worth.
From 1998 to 2019, the Black poverty rate decreased from 36.7% to 17.1%, respectively. Blacks became less poor but remained first in poverty. During the same period, Black median net worth increased from $8,995 to $24,100, respectively. Yet, Blacks remained at the bottom in median net worth.
Because unscrupulous, materialistic Blacks are willing to sell out for a dollar, whites employ Meritorious Manumission tactics to ensure Black achievement only advances the individual and not the race.
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