The current State of America in 2012
By P. L. Wright, Ph.D.
In over 60 years of my life, I have watched America experience many social and political changes. In retrospect, America always bounces back to its feet as the greatest and the richest Country in the world. I truly believe our Founding Fathers who composed the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the preamble documents, had a vision and a foresight of how America should maintain standing strong as the greatest and richest country in the world.
The Statue of Liberty says ‘bring me your tired, hungry, your weak, your young, and your old,’ and we have done just that, but in the process, we have slowly changed the original meaning of what it all was intended to mean for all Americans, and we have changed the American Landscape showing separation of the American citizens instead of the unification of all Americans as one nation under God as it is stated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
However, each race and culture in America has managed to transform the original American landscape and the format of how things are done in America by Americans who should be united. Our American immigrants, as my fore-parents were, have transformed America to become much like each country of those immigrants who have become American citizens, but with a disregard to what the American culture and society stands for. We are a country of immigrants from all over the world who have taken our own American culture and transformed it from what our Founding Fathers in-tended for America to become while maintaining an economically strong country of United States called America. We must return to Christianity and the belief in God, prayer in our schools, and with the phrase, In God We Trust, and to place it back in and outside of our American court houses as it has always been. Our children who are only up to 30 years old in 2012 are not showing any signs that they understand the important impact of Christianity on their lives and the American society and the belief in God, as America was based upon.
We must all begin to understand that God blessed America to be the greatest and richest country in the world as our Founding Fathers must have believed in God with a vision of prosperity for all American citizens, and they wanted us to maintain our strong belief in the practice of Christianity daily, and not to change it to accommodate every other country of immigrants who have come here for a better life. We may not survive if we don’t return to those practices of integrity, honesty, high morals. Compassion, empathy, and concern for each other as it is written in the Holy Bible. Greed for the love of money will surely take us down because of our visible absence of our thankfulness to God for his grace, mercy, and blessings bestowed on America.
We must not slowly edge ourselves toward indirectly having to conform to the format of communism as in Hitler’s’ horrific and devastating reign of terror all over Europe in the past. However Hitler’s communistic philosophies and government fell in the end, to slowly transform itself to a Democratic Society. As America has been known to practice, think about this document carefully. Are we headed in that wrong direction if we don’t make our return to what our Founding Fathers created in their documents for America to become?
This document was composed solely by Phillip Leno Wright Sr. Ph.D. from his life experiences and beliefs, and is not directly associated or affiliated with this newspaper or its publisher in any way.
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