By John Johnson II
Throughout history great empires have fallen, but why. Let us examine the parallel between the fall of the Roman Empire and the possible fall of America. Rome fell for multiple reasons. But most noticeable it was a collapse of its political structure, economic hardships imposed on western and eastern Roman citizens, and the rise of leaders with limited abilities to govern.
America elected Trump as its 45th President even though he did not have any political experience or knowledge of world affairs. He does not read and has the attention span of a toddler. However, he excelled at igniting the sweltering flames of bigotry, which remains part of the fabric of America. Further, he has managed, with the help of the Republican party, to create a divisive divide within our country and slowly destroy the core institutions of our democracy.
Unfortunately, America has been suffering from a virus far more dangerous than covid-19, and clearly, it should be called Trumpovid-45. Covid-19 has killed more than 100,000, people and thousands more will die. But Trump is on course to destroy our democracy, not to mention his destruction of the “Rule of Law.
Trump and the Republican Senate under McConnell’s leadership have managed to stack the Supreme and District Courts with conservative judges recommended by the Federalist Society. William Barr as Trump’s handpicked Attorney General serves more as his personal consigliere rather than the Nation’s attorney. Rather than working to suppress bigotry and racism, Trump extolls Republicans’ work to suppress the right to vote. All these actions threaten the sanctity of our democracy.
However, as horrific as the murder of George Floyd was, why now has it managed to galvanize the Nation’s people to protest, burn and loot their own cities. Blacks have been burned, lynched and dragged to their death in the past. However, this time because covid-19, has ravaged this Nation and white Americans too, are in pain. Consequently, they were able
to feel as well as witness live on national T.V. the hopelessness and the agonizing death inflicted upon George Floyd. Also, they realize that Trump’s policies and ineptitude as a leader, has caused thousands of people to needlessly die from covid-19 and our economy to plunge.
America as empire will surely suffer the fate of all the great empires in the past if the injustices and economic hardships it has always imposed on black and brown people are now imposed on white people. White people now gripped with hopelessness have joined Black and brown people who have struggle to maintain hope in a racist America.
Colin Kaepernick sacrificed his career as a successful football player by merely kneeling during the playing of the national anthem. He just wanted to awaken our Nation to police brutality toward Black men. However, he was mocked by Trump, jeered by football fans and deprived by white football owners of an opportunity to earn a living playing football. His First Amendments Rights became subordinate to this Nation’s diversionary sport, ’football’. Yet, Black men continue to be murdered by white police officers.
A Nation will not continue to stand when all hope and trust in its government is destroyed by its President.
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