Yvette Carnell: What will be the Right Wing response if Obama wins reelection?

Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama
Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama

Yvette Carnell: What will be the Right Wing response if Obama wins reelection?

By Yvette Carnell

      In a previous article, I expounded on Tavis Smiley’s list of excuses Black people will make if President Obama loses reelection. The list included the following:

  1. Obama didn’t want the job anymore. Who’d want to deal with all that racism day in and day out!
  2. White people used Obama to clean up their mess, then threw him away.
  3. Joe Biden!
  4. Obama miscalculated, threw the first debate with the rope-a-dope, but couldn’t come back quick enough.
  5. That Libya stuff was a set up.

     And my favorite of all: It’s all the fault of Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, Boyce Watkins, and Yvette Carnell.

        But what hasn’t been thoroughly explored is how white conservative fanatics will react if President Obama is reelected. What will they do? What excuses will they make if Romney loses? Here are a few predictions:

  1. Armageddon – This reaction includes the belief that we’re headed for what old folks call the “end times”… It will lead many on the right to believe that Obama must be stopped somehow, by any means necessary. It’s the sort of thinking that makes many of the zealots on the right so dangerous.
  2. Left wing conspiracy.
  3. Illegal aliens stole the election for Obama.
  4. Romney wasn’t conservative enough.
  5. I just gotta work harder to “take my country back!”
  6. Dumb liberals.
  7. Muslim curse.
  8. This is just evidence that liberals hate America!
  9. This is a challenge sent by Jesus (like how Glenn Beck said Romney was behind in the polls so God could work a miracle)
  10. Violence.

     Violence is the worst of all possible outcomes, but states’ rights types are known for throwing violent fits when they can’t have their way. Isn’t that what led to the Civil War?

     We can be sure that if Obama wins, he will (still) be viewed as an illegitimate President. And it doesn’t matter how many birth certificates President Obama presents, he will always be viewed as the outsider in a long list of white Presidents. No one should expect that to change.

     If Obama wins, it’s gridlock for four years, but gridlock is certainly better than some grand conservative experiment, so there’s that.

     Yvette Carnell is a former Capitol Hill and campaign staffer turned writer. She is currently an editor and contributor to Yourblackworld. You can reach Yvette via Twitter @YvetteDC or on Facebook.

About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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