
The Heart of Community: The Importance of Discussing Hereditary Heart Conditions with Our Loved Ones

     Everyone has heard the advice to “listen to your heart.” This holds true especially when it comes to heart conditions like hereditary transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (or hATTR-CM). It took years for me to get diagnosed. My body was telling me something was off – but at the time, I didn’t listen to it. Also, some doctors are not familiar with the disease. I saw six doctors before I was finally diagnosed with hATTR-CM – and my experience is not unusual. That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing my story. […]


What is my role in whatever mess created?

     To free ourselves from this destructive behavior, it’s essential to practice self-reflection and humility. Recognizing our own faults and the hidden harm we can cause, hopefully, allows us to approach conflicts with a more open and compassionate mindset. It paves the way for healthier relationships and personal growth. In essence, it’s a reminder that no one is faultless and acknowledging our own imperfections is a powerful step towards becoming a more compassionate and mindful human being. […]