National News

UNT Dallas Partners with Texas Capital Bank to Diversify Banking Talent Pool

The partnership aims to equip students with the tools and skills necessary to compete in a highly competitive field while exposing them to Texas Capital Bank’s culture and career options, said Marci MacKay, executive director of talent management at Texas Capital Bank. The program is an opportunity for students to obtain American Banker Association’s Commercial Lending Certificate at UNT Dallas. […]

Local News

FAMU Partners with The Citizens Campaign to Establish Citizen Leadership Training Base

Florida A&M University (FAMU) and The Citizens Campaign today announced the establishment of a Citizen Leadership Training Base designed to train students and members of the community in no-blame, pragmatic problem-solving skills and provide opportunities for them to put their training to use as “citizen leaders” working to better their communities and our country. […]


Ensuring Our Right to Invest in the Next Generation’s Future

     If a public opinion poll done last month is right, more than half of you won’t know what I mean by the initials “ESG,” and fewer than one in 10 will understand what they mean for financial markets. But listening to some self-interested politicians, many of whom have ties to our dirtiest industries, you’d think ESG was a significant threat to the American way of life. […]


Who will stand up for the children?

     Those who hurt children are subject to a punishment that far exceeds anything that you and I or our judicial system could punish them or sentence them to. It appears that we have lost all faith in the hope of accepting, respecting, and living with those who are different than we are. I’m talking about an evil difference; I’m speaking of a fear of an awakening to the realization that life is supposed to be open, just and abiding for all who breathe the same air and walk among God’s creations. […]