Our own worst enemy

Raynard Jackson
Raynard Jackson

Our own worst enemy

By Raynard Jackson NNPA Columnist

     Black Democrats are the most despised people on the face of this earth and they have worked hard to deserve this designation.

They vote upwards of 90 percent for Democratic candidates for President and get very little in exchange for their loyalty. They constantly deliver victory to Democrats, only to see the spoils of victory go to other groups: homosexuals, illegals, and white women.

Jimmy Carter had very few Blacks in his administration. Bill Clinton had more, but threw Lani Guinier, one of his closest personal friends and a top campaign supporter, under the bus because of threats by Republicans not to confirm her as Assistant Attorney General. President Obama has even refused to interview a Black female jurist for consideration to the U.S. Supreme Court.

So, I was thoroughly stunned by the comments of the Democratic chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) during their annual conference two weeks ago here in DC.

Here is a direct quote from her: “I hope you will spend this much time with your local elected officials. I guarantee you most people in this room have not done that. With your school board, with your city council, and so then you won’t be calling me talking about somebody didn’t come and pick up your trash. You need to call your city council person for that.

And I say it that way because, I need you to understand we all have a role to play and the Congressional Black Caucus cannot do it all by ourselves. Everybody has to do their part …The black caucus fights for you every day. Even when you won’t fight for yourself. We fight for you. Whether its immigration or education, whether it’s food stamps or housing, we fight for you every day. So my message to you is to contain your complaining.” (http://downtrend.com/robertgehl/dem-black-congresswoman-to-black-democrats-we-give-you-food-stamps-so-quit-your-bitching/)

Now mind you, the CBC is the same group that criticized Obama for telling them to stop complaining at their annual dinner in September of 2011, “Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes; Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.”

Isn’t it amazing that both Fudge and Obama’s tone to this group of Blacks was extremely condescending? They both showed a great deal of disdain for their own people. Now just suppose that a White Democrat had said the same thing. These very same Blacks would have lost their minds screaming bloody racism.

With Fudge and Obama it may not be racism, but it is liberal elitism at its finest.

Fudge claims that the CBC is fighting for Blacks even when they won’t fight for themselves.  Really?  How is supporting amnesty for illegals helping the Black community?  Every analysis done has concluded that amnesty would drastically increase the Black unemployment rate.  How is denying poor mothers the power to choose which schools to send their kids to helping better the lives of those forced to attend subpar schools?  I find it ironic that most CBC members refuse to send their kids to public schools.  There are more Americans on food stamps now than at any point in our country’s history and Blacks are disproportionately represented in this number.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in the past five years, the number of households on food stamps has greatly increased. In fiscal year 2009 – Oct. 1, 2008 through Sept. 30, 2009 — the number of households on food stamps was 15,232,115. Five years later, in 2013, that amount had increased by 51.3 percent to reach 23,052,388 households (or 20 percent of all households).  Twenty two percent of Blacks receive food stamps during this time period, though Blacks are 13 percent of the U.S. population.

How does the CBC expect Blacks to be able to afford to buy a home, if they are promoting policies that continue to keep the unemployment rate at high levels?

Fudge and the CBC seem to talk about fighting for welfare as though it should be a badge of honor. Would it not make more sense to brag about how their policies are increasing employment opportunities for Blacks, therefore those needing food stamps is going down. That would be worth celebrating.

If Republicans would take this message into the Black community, not only will we take over the Senate; but we will win the White House with double digit support from the Black community.  Would this not be a “conservative” approach to dealing with some of the issues affecting the Black community?  Would this not be a worthy expenditure of campaign funds?

The Black vote is up for grabs during this congressional election and beyond.  The question for Republicans is who will turn a deaf ear to their White consultants who constantly tell them that the Black vote is unattainable?  Just food for thought.




About Carma Henry 24730 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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