‘Apostle Peter’s tenacity for the Gospel was second to none’

Rev.-David-Deal2Q & A: What does Reverend Deal say this week!

‘Apostle Peter’s tenacity for the Gospel was second to none’

Question: Why is the disciple Peter considered by many as Jesus’ highest disciple?

Answer: Out of the original twelve disciples, Apostle Peter was considered by many as Jesus’ most faithful and trusted disciple. Apostle Peter’s tenacity for the Gospel was second to none. This is the same man that cut a Roman soldier’s ear clean off to save Jesus. This is the same man that asked Jesus that not only should Jesus wash his feet but wash his hands and head as well. This is the same man that trusted Jesus to the point that he walked on water during a storm. This is the same man that left his fishing company (forsook) to follow Jesus. And, this is the same man denied that he ever knew Jesus. According to scripture Simon and his brother were the first disciples Jesus called (Mk 1:4). Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter (Mk 3:16). Peter exhibited such a zeal for the doctrine of Jesus that rest of the disciples regarded Peter as the self-appointed leader of the original twelve. Peter’s faith in Jesus is shown in Luke 5:1-11; even after a long night of fishing that yielded no fish, Peter followed the command of Jesus to return to the same lake and try fishing again. He does and miraculously fish were caught’. I’m a fisherman and after all night of fishing at a certain location, it would require something more than a word for me to go to that exact place and fish again. When Jesus asked Peter” who do you say I am? Peter exclaimed: you are the Messiah, the Son of the living God’ (Mt 16:13-16). Even for a man such as Peter there were human shortcomings and moments of frailness he bore. In Matthew 14:31, Jesus told Peter of his little faith and asked him ‘why did you doubt’. And in Matthew 26:69-74, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. Peter redeemed himself in a mighty way. He preached on the day of Pentecost and about 3000 individuals turned their lives over to Christ (Acts 2:14-41).

Reverend David Deal is the senior pastor at Every Christian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Reverend Deal can be reached in care of the spiritual editor at the Westside Gazette, 745 NW Seventh Terrace, Fort Lauderdale 33311, or by email at david.deal55@gmail.com.

About Carma Henry 25172 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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