National News

Angela Stanton-King Stands With Jane Doe and Demands Tiffany Haddish Held Accountable for Sexual Abuse Claims

   American King Foundation founder Angela Stanton-King is committed to protecting America’s children by any means necessary. It is Stanton’s commitment to protecting children and holding their abusers accountable that prompted her to travel from Atlanta, GA, to Los Angeles to stand with Jane Doe to demand the arrest of A-list comedian/actress Tiffany Haddish and comedian Aries Spears on child sexual abuse claims. […]


Judge Aileen Cannon: Procured

   Trump is the master at stacking the judicial courts and political system with sycophant enablers. He does this, which is identical to how the Mafia Boss behaved  in the “Godfather,” to wield power and collect favors. Usually, his modus  operandi is to dispatch one or more of his lawyers to  relay his requests. As you’re aware, Trump recently used this tactic to procure Judicial Judge, Aileen Cannon, whom he nominated. He specifically chose her to review  his request for a special master. […]


Gangsters on the left, Klansmen on the right

     Gentrification of America’s “Black neighborhoods” has escalated the fear in our communities. Police say they are afraid when they are dispatched to patrol our communities. Cops are scared but imagine having a gangster neighbor on your left and a ku klux klansman living on your right. Look out your window to admire the white girls walking their dogs in the dead of night in the heart of the ghetto. […]