
American Business Leaders Step Up to Fight Inequities in the South

Even as the pandemic has laid bare societal inequities that have long eroded the foundation of our democracy, political leaders in Washington and in state capitols are mired in a level of rancor and partisanship not seen since the ideological struggles over the Vietnam War. This toxic atmosphere has left them incapable of addressing pressing, yet ingrained issues like the racial wealth gap, the digital divide, and vast inequalities in everything from health care to home ownership. […]


My True Story During 1968 of 911 in a Vision 33 Years Earlier

     I had recently moved to New York City from Miami Florida during 1968. I had just joined Aretha Franklin’s Recording Band called King Curtis and the Kingpins. I had to take the train from my apartment to the Empire State Building to get a Passport to start traveling to Europe with the Kingpins. We were booked for two shows a night for 45 days. I took care of completing what was needed to receive my very first Passport. […]


School Boards Letter

     You as well as your Superintendents are to be commended for standing up to the Governor’s bullying tactics. His defiance of basic CDC health data as it relates to protecting our students and staff members from the deadly COVID-19 virus and mutating strains is absurd and dangerous. One would have to question how an individual with degrees from prestigious Universities such as Harvard and Yale could make decisions that endanger rather than protect and save lives. Everyone should’ve at least learned in Civics that one’s freedoms don’t allow them to yell fire in a crowded theatre. Thus, why would any Governor consider it an infringement on individual freedoms to mandate masks wearing in order to prevent the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus. Prohibition against masks mandates resulting in deaths should be considered a crime. Governors should be asked to name a freedom that results in the death of a human that isn’t a crime. Believe it or not, suicide in theory is a criminal offense. Regrettably, the victim was also the murderer. Consequently, there’s never a need for a trial. Our students should never be treated as canaries in a coal mine! […]


The World Has Changed For Black People Since 9-11

   It has been 20 years since 9-11, and America has dramatically changed, and the world that we live in is moving at 100 miles an-hour. As President Biden honors the 2,977 Americans who lost their lives during that dreadful day, the Department of Homeland Security was created. It is one of the largest departments in the federal government, and is responsible for terrorist tasks and attacks. […]