

      An acquaintance in the entertainment industry once explained to me why a project we were working on was stalled.  He said we were getting “The Long No.” […]


Funerals Homes Face New Normal

     In normal times, funeral homes are not the source of front-page news stories. They are the places we see advertised in the middle pages of our newspapers. They enter our thoughts only inour moments of deepest pain – at the loss of loved ones. It is at these moments that they occupy our foremost thoughts: when we seek their guidance and expertise in honoring and laying to rest departed loved ones. But these are not normal times. The Funeral Home has entered the realm of popular news. […]

National News

Journalism Industry Needs Coronavirus Relief Funding

The collapse in advertising revenue during the pandemic ex-acerbated the already perilous financial position of news outlets, who have been decimated by Google and Facebook’s monopolistic actions. The Tampa Bay Times was even forced to cut back to two days a week of printed copies. The forgivable loans will allow these newsrooms to obtain some sense of normalcy but will not nearly restore the damage done during this crisis. […]