
Eddie Frasier: A Name to Remember

     Frasier was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, first graduating from Dillard in 2003, who then went on to be an alumni of  Florida Atlantic University. He returned to Fort Lauderdale where he coached youth football teams. He had taught at Dillard since 2009, before returning to coach the Panthers  Middle School team in 2013. […]


Save Black Lives from COVID-19

     “We are the number one target for this disease. We have pre-existing conditions, and yet we’re told to go home when we visit the emergency room. We know that there must be some form of regulation in place for testing and getting testing sites and equipment into the community,” Lawrence added. […]


COVID-19 — Even During a Killer Pandemic Trump Tests Positive for Racism

     “The FBI assesses hate crime incidents against Asian Americans likely will surge across the United States, due to the spread of coronavirus disease … endangering Asian American communities,” read a report compiled by the FBI’s Houston office and sent to local law enforcement across America. “The FBI makes this assessment based on the assumption that a portion of the US public will associate COVID-19 with China and Asian American populations.” […]


Individual Stimulus Checks Begin to Arrive: What Should You Expect?

     The IRS will base the payments   The IRS will base the payments on the adjusted gross in-come of taxpayers’ 2019 return. If a 2019 return hasn’t been filed (the deadline has been extended for two months), the IRS will use information from the 2018 return. If the return doesn’t contain direct deposit information, or if the IRS doesn’t have returns from 2018 or 2019, a paper check will be issued later. […]


Black Businesses Matter, But Will They Get Fair Share Of COVID-19 Aid Money?

     “African Americans never really recovered from the housing crash and economic meltdown and that reality is going to be a very important factor for Black people, especially since the U.S. may be going into some form of depression,” said Mr. Fletcher, former president of TransAfrica Forum and a senior scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies. “I saw a report last week that shows the Washington metropolitan area could lose 35 percent of small businesses. Add a layer of race onto that—lower savings rates and pro-fit margins and most small biz not able to sustain themselves for three months and the problem becomes clear.” […]