
Florida Republicans Pass Restrictive Voting Laws

The new laws will add ID requirements for absentee ballots, limit the use of voting drop boxes, require voters to request absentee ballots for each specific election, restrict who can collect drop off ballots and give power to partisans observing elections. It also puts restrictions on outside groups influencing elections. […]


Beyond Dollars and Cents

     As the need for a college credential in the labor market has grown, so, too, has the price of earning one and the debt that increasingly comes with it. It’s not surprising then that the value of higher education is often reduced to dollars and cents or that people are questioning whether it’s worth the cost. […]


Blacks in Florida Lag Behind Every Community in Getting Vaccinated

     No one in Florida really knows who to trust and believe when it comes to information about the vaccine numbers. Based on the census in 2020, the total statewide population is 21,477,737. According to the census as of April 28, 2021, 36% of Florida’s White population has been vaccinated; 24.4% of Florida’s Hispanic population has been vaccinated, and 17.3% of Florida’s Black population has been vaccinated. The total people vaccinated statewide, as of April 28, 2021, is 8,684,024. […]