

     Dementia symptoms show up in varied forms. Some are hardly noticeable, others present as previously submerged personality traits, many simply seem quirky, some are downright dangerous, some are hilarious. Several of my mother’s traits seem to trace back to some basic beliefs she holds about herself. […]


The Enemy of the Self 

     What kind of disease bypasses all other bodily organs to target the brain, passionately propagating fear, misery and isolation? The kind that attacks the mind and tries to eradicate all evidence of the Self.                                                                                 […]


Vaccinations Look to Serve as Further Protection for Children and Their Future: What We’ve Learned So Far.

     Whether a parent, teacher, or family friend, you have seen at least one effect that this pandemic has had on children, including developmental issues, the widening education gap, and fewer wellness visits. In the United States, more than five million children have gotten COVID-19 and more than 763 have died from the disease. Since Delta, one in five new COVID-19 cases have been in children. […]