
Joe Biden attacks freethinking Black Americans while President Trump Empowers Them    

     I was born Black, still live the Black experience as a Black man in America every single day. My family comes from the South, and we have experienced discrimination, racism, bigotry, and survived Jim Crow. My Papa was a proud member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, founded by Dr. King, and still knowing my history, I am a Black man voting Trump. […]


Old, Sick, and Incarcerated

Older people don’t commit violent crimes (although they commit financial crimes and perjury). Releasing those over 65 who were convicted of drug crimes and other nonviolent crimes saves money and has little social cost. But incarceration is an economic driver for some communities. […]


Protest Pimps

     The people in Black communities that are hurting and mourning are not impressed by protest clowns that come to town to deliver phillipic rants and raves that were choreographed and orchestrated by red necks, hillbillys, conservatives and closet klansmen! […]


Count the Ways Black Folks are Dying in the Age of Covid-19

      There are very few statistics in America on how many Black people have died as a result of the coronavirus. There is a high chance everyone knows someone who has died. Everyone is walking around with a broken heart, and dying will become a part of living during the pandemic epidemic. Everything that is bad comes to Blacks first in disproportional numbers. Our healthcare outcomes are the worst in the country, which is no surprise. In addition to all of that, recently more police and white men are using Black people as target practice. […]