Pastor Rasheed Baaith


     Comedians have the incredulity to believe that anything they say, no matter how insensitive or wrapped in pain, the words are  acceptable. Even if the “joke” targets what a disease has done to someone. As was the case with Jada Pinkett Smith and her battle with alopecia. […]


Florida’s Imbecilic Laws of Contradictions

  Gov. DeSantis and his Republican controlled legislators were in a hurry to pass laws controlling  myriad issues such as free speech, textbook selection, protesting, political donations, secrecy of lethal injections, and  a “Victims of Communism Day.”  Amazingly, they forgot to pass a law protecting them from ”Stupid Governance.” […]



     We can start with the name “Paris,” which is pronounced “Par-ee” by native French speakers in a way that could be translated to mean “The house of Isis” in the language of the Ancient Egyptians. […]


Recusal Clarence Thomas

     The word for today is RECUSE which means to disqualify oneself when there is a conflict of interest in a particular court case. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife is the owner of a consulting firm where she advises many of TRUMP’S top people including many who were involved in the January 6th insurrection. She did attend the rally on January 6th but said she left before they marched on the police and capital building because it was getting cold. […]


The 2022 Redistricting Process. Fair? I think not.

     Every 10 years, elected leaders in Florida are tasked with redrawing jurisdictional boundaries for local, state, and federal elections to reflect the state’s population shifts. Unfortunately, history has shown that politicians sometimes manipulate redistricting to expand or protect their own power — often to the detriment of the minority political party, marginalized populations, and often, Black, and brown communities. […]