DCCC Plan ‘have his back’ campaign educates Black voters

Roger Caldwell
Roger Caldwell

DCCC Plan ‘have his back’ campaign educates Black voters

By Roger Caldwell


    With two and a-half months left before the presidential election, the Democrats must ensure that their members and supporters get out and vote. This vote will decide if the country continues to move forward or allow regressive Republicans and extreme Tea Party radicals to give tax cuts to large conglomerates and wealthy millionaires and billionaires.                                        

 Governor Romney has chosen as his vice –presidential candidate, Congressman Paul Ryan who was the House Budget Chairman, and many of his proposals radical. Rep. Ryan has made a name for himself for fighting in Congress for tax giveaways for the wealthy and big corporations, while proposing to gut vital services like Medicare, Medicaid and education. Ryan also rubber-stamped the reckless Bush economic policies that are mainly responsible for the economic crisis and overwhelming debt.

    The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is the official campaign arm of the Democrats in the House. In the 2010 election cycle, the Democrats lost control of the House to the Republican majority. The Republicans are giving the Tea Party credit for mobilizing and energizing their party and winning a majority in the House. Under this Republican con-trolled Congress, they have created gridlock and worked against all of the president’s policies.

    As a way to reignite enthusiasm around reelecting President Obama and encouraging voters to “have his back” by voting for Democratic House candidates, the DCCC has created the “Have His Back” campaign which promotes voting “down-ballot,” and discourages voters from leaving blanks on ballots. In order for President Obama to execute and be successful with his policies, it is urgent that Democrats become the majority party in the House of Congress.

    The fundamental premise of the “Have His Back” campaign is to support the president with Black voting power, through voting down the ballot to get more Democrats elected to Congress. During the last two years, with Congress in the hands of extreme Republicans, the main goal for House Republicans has been to make President Obama a one term president.

It is essential that we elect a Democratic majority in the House to work with the president on his initiatives. President Obama is showing on a daily basis that he is spending resources in our community with many initiatives and programs. By 2020, the president has set the goal for America to have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.

    To reach this ambitious goal, President Obama has launched an initiative entitled “Educational Excellence for African Americans,” which will work across federal agencies to improve African American student achievement in school and college. This initiative will work in conjunction with the White House initiative that strengthens the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities nationwide.

    It is important that all Democrats and specifically Black voters find out who is representing them currently in the House of Representatives. Our community must be sure that their representative is not undermining the efforts of the president. There is a need in our community to be educated and vote down the entire ballot. For more information on how to pledge your support for President Obama and House Democrats go to www.HavehisBack.com.

Talk to your friends and family, in barbershops, salons, and churches, and spread the message that we “Have His Back.” It is not good enough for the president to win, but nationwide and in your district, we need the right person as a representative. Remember when you vote for the president; don’t forget to vote for Democrats down your ballot.        


About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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