Ditch the Rinse After Brushing for Stronger Teeth: Fluoride Gets a Boost

Submitted by Deborah Mizell, RN

Many people rinse with water after brushing, but dentists recommend skipping this step. Fluoride in toothpaste strengthens teeth, and rinsing washes it away. Instead, spit and wait 15 minutes before rinsing or drinking water to maximize fluoride’s effect. This is especially helpful for those prone to cavities. Mouthwash should also not be used right after brushing, for the same reason.

     Here’s the science: Fluoride in toothpaste strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to cavity-causing acids. But rinsing with water washes away some of that beneficial fluoride.

     Who benefits most? People prone to cavities can see the biggest advantage from this no-rinse approach.

     Skip the mouthwash after brushing too. Most mouthwashes have less fluoride than toothpaste, so rinsing with them right after brushing can further reduce the fluoride’s effectiveness. Use mouthwash at a different time, like after lunch or coffee.

Brushing bonus tips:

Soft bristles are your friend. Skip the medium or hard brushes that can damage gums.

Flossing order is flexible. Floss once a day, before or after brushing – the key is to floss!

Scrubbing isn’t necessary. Gentle brushing is just as effective as forceful scrubbing, and protects your gums.

Don’t forget the gum line. Brushing gently along the gum line helps prevent gum disease.

For personalized advice, see your dentist. They know your unique oral health need

About Carma Henry 25108 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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