Economics fuels political fires in the politics of greed

Derek Joy
Derek Joy

Economics fuels political fires in the politics of greed

By Derek Joy

     Get up on this. . .

    The brouhaha surrounding Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney came just ahead of a poll that showed Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s public approval rating plummeting even deeper than before.

    Yeah, you know the drill. The video comments made by Romney behind the closed doors of his select circle did it. Romney was heard to say 47 percent of the American public are moochers looking for a government handout.

    And if that isn’t a divide-and-conquer approach, one that incites class warfare, I don’t know what is. It is also a look into several myths in American society.

    First, we look for fairness and equal opportunity to take a back seat to the ‘gimme mine’ syndrome. Secondly, down goes the wisdom that proclaims to whom much is given much is expected. In its place goes ‘do as I say not as I do’.

    No doubt about Romney’s intent to fight to retain the tax breaks for the wealthy. Sure, he paid 14 percent income tax on the reported $20 million income from investments.

    One question; did that include income investments in foreign countries and Swiss bank accounts? Another question might be; is that how you create jobs in America?

    Interestingly enough, one might want to ask Romney another simple question. Was the feeble attempt by Scott to legislate a mandate for those applying for monetary public assistance to submit to a drug test at their expense the reverse of his 47-percent assertion? Is that a government run by the wealthy asking for a hand for themselves and those in their political circle?

    Guess that’s just part of the reason for Gov. “Slick” Rick Scott’s public relations nightmare. Add to that the reality that some in the public accept the fact that Scott is simply marching to the tune of the Republican drum beat.

    No doubt about it. Scott does not want to suffer the same fate as former Florida governor and one time U.S. Senate candidate, Charlie Crist. Crist defied the Republican brass by his nonconformist decisions as governor, who was forced from the Republican Party. 

    Just look at how they played ethnic politics with Hispanics to back Marco Rubio for the Senate. Since Rubio’s win, Republicans have convinced the mainstream media to dub Rubio a rising star.

    Money is involved in what might be considered the grand scheme of things in the hunt for power and control. And with it all comes the lies and deception designed to surreptitiously create class and ethnic warfare.

    The very simplistic form of divide and conquer. Romney’s VP running mate, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, said as much when he appeared with Host Michael Putney on the ABC Local 10’s This Week in South Florida.

    Ryan offered half-witted explanations for his assertion that Obama Healthcare is going to hurt Medicare and cost seniors more. He also attacked President Barack Obama’s proposed cuts to the Department of Defense.

    But not once did he suggest or propose a tax code that is fair and not just favor the wealthy with a lower tax rate. Isn’t such a political display of economic discrimination really a handout for the wealthy, who really are forcing those lower on the economic ladder to pay for the pleasures of the wealthy?

    It’s a shame that Romney, Ryan and Scott weren’t in Washington, D.C. last week when recently installed Mayor Oliver Gilbert III took the Miami Gardens Junior Council and a con-tingent on its annual trip.

    The Junior Council was created by then Miami Gardens Councilwoman Barbara Watson, now the embattled Florida State District 100 Representative. It was created to mentor the city’s youth in the social, professional and political avenues to success.

    But Miami Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson, a staunch Obama supporter, did take some time to briefly speak with these kids, who are doing the right thing in their youth as opposed to pursuing a life of crime or asking for a handout, as Romney would say.

    And that, in and of itself, tells one helluva story about the political deception being perpetrated by the likes of Romney, Ryan and Scott.


About Carma Henry 25909 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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