Part One of A Six Part Series
By Alexander Speid
For many Years, Professor Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has sparked many to debate its validity. However, that theory was challenged by a Nigerian Scientist who is being hailed as the Greatest Mathematician of all time.
Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo was born in 1950 in Kogi State, Nigeria, and attended Ahmadu Bello University in Nigeria. He received a Ph. D in Aeronautics and Mathematics at the Rensselaer Institute in 1981, where he worked with NASA/AFOSR for four years. He is currently the chairman of the Department of Mathematics at OFAPPIT Institute of Technology and also worked at the University of Bridgeport. It was this man who discovered the answer to the long-asked question “is there one mathematical equation called the theory of everything that explains everything in the Universe?”
Einstein believed his theory of Relativity would be part of such a theory of everything. Einstein’s relativity theory has two components:1) Special Relativity which deals with the connectivity between mass and energy and 2) General Relativity, which deals with Gravitational force field. However, Einstein believed there were more force fields (including Electromagnetic force fields) and other physical phenomena beyond Gravity that could not be explained by Relativity, which led Einstein to pursue the search for the theory of everything, that would explain all physical phenomena. Einstein continued that search for a theory of everything from 1916 until 1955 when he transformed on without finding the theory of everything, which further inspired larger generations of mathematicians and physicists to continue the search for the theory of everything, until it was solved by none other than Professor Oyibo in 1990.
Professor Oyibo was able to complete the task that intrigued and challenged Einstein as well as solve the Navier-Stokes Equations and all other mathematics problems. In fact, Professor Oyibo was able to go above and beyond by solving all known questions in the field of science and life itself, all by discovering the equation of all equations Gij,j=0 which is the GOD ALMIGHTY’S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM nicknamed GAGUT.
In 1990, Professor Oyibo published the GAGUT theorem that he says answered all forms of equations and theorems to space, time, and life itself, as well as all theorems of the past, present and future. It originated out of and can be represented by one invariant Gi, which has orthogonal components Gij, and a divergence of Gij,j=0. GAGUT has therefore unified all of mathematics into one equation Gij.j=0 and so has already provided the solutions to all mathematics problems. His theorem states that all elements of the universe are controlled by a form of GOD or GOD’S spirit, thus proving the existence of a GOD.
“It is called the theory of everything and Einstein worked hard to look at it from a physical point of view in theory”, Professor Oyibo said, “But a theory is something that is being held on until the word of GOD speaks for them. No one ever thought it was physical.”
The legendary Cambridge University mathematician, Sir Professor Michael Atiyah, was reported to have been delighted to see the review of GAGUT by another legendary mathematician, Professor Grigoris Tsagas (over 200 MR’s), during a briefing on GAGUT presented by a young mathematics researcher to Sir Professor Michael Atiyah (who requested to keep a copy of the GAGUT review) at SUNY Stony Brook, on November 3, 2010