By Nicole Nutting
Tuesday Sept. 25th is designated National Voter Registration Day, a reminder before the November election to get squared away with the Registrar of Voters in your area. The clock is ticking, and mid-term elections are just 6 weeks out.
This may well be the most important vote of our lifetimes, no exaggeration. Our government has been commandeered by a force hostile to our civil rights and protections, one which would drag us back to the climate of the 1950’s where women and “colored” knew their place. Our elected officials are complicit, shirking their duty to the electorate and the US Constitution. It is up to “we, the people” to be the brakes on this runaway bus, lest some of us find ourselves mandated once again to sit in the BACK of the bus…
EVERY VOTE COUNTS! Even if it’s raining cats and dogs on election day, get out and vote. Whether you have the toothache from Hell, get out and vote. If your car breaks down, hitch a ride and get out and vote. The outcome of this election determines whether America will continue as a democracy or devolve into a dictatorship, a terrifying prospect which overrides every sorry excuse not to participate.
Some places have a deadline to register. If you haven’t signed up yet, this website will guide you: https://ready2vote.com/register-to-vote/
Be aware that the GOP is up to it’s dirty little tricks in the realm of voter suppression, and may have “accidentally on purpose” purged your name from the voter rolls. Even if you voted in 2016, or all your live-long days, you could have mysteriously disappeared from the record. Make no assumptions—verify! Check on that BEFORE any registration deadline at this website: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/
The Chi Lites sang it in 1971: “we got to give more power to the people!” Together we can drive change—we’ve done it before, and we can do it again. No, we NEED to do it again.
Are you ready??