I can’t won’t and I don’t believe…

By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

The idea that a significant number of Black men would cast their vote for Donald Trump or JD Vance defies belief. Throughout history, Black men and women have endured immeasurable struggles, under the mindsets of individuals like Donald Trump and JD Vance not just for the right to vote, but for dignity and equality in a society that has often treated us as chattel and expendable. To side with a fraud like Trump, or to seek recovery in someone like Vance, is to turn our backs on that legacy and everything it represents. It is unthinkable that true Black men would seek validation from a fake politician with a history of inflammatory rhetoric and a man who has openly encouraged that Black people be arrested with justifiable police brutality or even shot down in the streets to affirm their manhood.

The idea of aligning with figures like Trump and Vance means accepting a narrative of Black dependency on white saviors. It is allowing the very mentality of people who have exploited, oppressed, and degraded us to dictate the terms of our existence. It is accepting a warped notion of masculinity that disregards the sacrifices of Black leaders who have fought for justice and equality. This isn’t about being “woke” or pandering to any political party—it’s about standing up for our heritage and refusing to be complicit in the erasure of our history.

The history of this nation is stained with the blood of Black men and women who resisted oppression. From the lynching trees where our ancestors hung, to the auction blocks, to the plantations, Black bodies have borne the brunt of white supremacy. Our ancestors would not have sacrificed so much for us to give our power to those who have shown nothing but disdain for our struggles. Trump and Vance represent the same forces that tried to break our spirit, to subjugate and control us. It is unconscionable to think that any true Black man would turn to them in search of manhood, dignity, or purpose.

I refuse to accept the narrative that these politicians can offer anything of value to our community. To suggest that Black men would support a man who has boasted about his disrespect for women, who has refused to denounce white supremacy, and who has attempted to erase the gains we have made, is to spit on the legacy of those who fought for our rights. It’s a slap in the face to Black women who have always been the backbone of our community, nurturing us through generations of struggle.

The polls may suggest that some Black men would consider supporting these figures, but I remain skeptical. The anger and disillusionment with the system are real, but seeking refuge in leaders who have built their platforms on fear and division is not the answer. If there are Black men who claim to support Trump, I question whether they are even registered to vote, or if they are instead voicing frustration without understanding the consequences. We need to be vigilant about who is allowed to speak for us and who is truly invested in the uplift of our community.

This is not about hatred or reverse racism; it is about reality. It is about acknowledging that there are forces in this country actively working to undo the progress we have made, and it is our duty to stand against them. To vote for Trump or Vance is to cast a vote against our own interests, our families, and our ancestors who fought so hard for our freedom. I cannot believe that true Black men would sell their souls to a devil who has shown time and time again that he does not care about us.

If you want to be real, let’s be real. Voting for Trump or Vance is not a path to empowerment—it’s an endorsement of our own disenfranchisement. We owe it to our ancestors, our families, and our future generations to reject any attempt to turn back the clock on our progress. It’s time for us to be unapologetic in defending our dignity, our rights, and our history.

About Carma Henry 26155 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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