Jeff Mack finishes second at Masters Track Event
By Phillip Haywood
ST.PETERSBURG FL- Jeff Mack traveled to Eugene Oregon to compete in the 200 meters of a Masters Track event. Most people are not aware that Mack still competes in meets that feature runners over 40 years of age. As a matter of fact Mack said, “They treated me as if I was one of runners who were competing for a slot on the U.S Olympic Team.” “Being in that type of environment was very good for me, being able to stand side by side with some of the best track athletes in the country,” Mack said.
Believe it or not Mack did not travel that far to disappoint his hometown fans. The conditions in which he ran were not the most ideal; however Mack finished the 200 meter race by running to a second place finish. Mack said, “I thought I was going to pull the race out but my opponent came on strong during the last 20 meters to win the event.” Eric Prince won the event with a time of 23.18; Prince is also the reigning 200 meters Masters World Silver Medalist Champion. Mack finished with a time of 23.51. Mack said, “If I could have done anything different I would have practiced more by running 400 meters in practice to better prepare myself for the event.”
The biggest thing that he learned was that Eugene, Oregon is the Mecca of Track and Field in the U.S. Mack said, “There was a very broad base of fans attending the meet.” “It appeared that the young children were inspired by the potential Olympians who were there to qualify for the games in London.”
Some of us still have that competitive drive inside of us, but we think that we are often too old to compete in the things that we love. Age is only a number but here is the deal, if you dedicate yourself to your craft you can do anything on this earth. Jeff Mack is clearly doing something that he loves and that is running track.
Mack says his goal is to become the fastest man in the Masters Event. In the next several weeks Mack will travel to Tallahassee, Florida to compete in the Ernie Sims Invitational. He will run in the Masters Event in the 100 meters and the 200 as well. If you are all are not aware it is financially sometimes a burden for Mack to do the extensive traveling he does.
Furthermore, Mack is looking for some sponsorships. Let’s keep Mack in our prayers as he continues his quest to become the fastest man in the United States in the over 40 age group. Congratulations to Jeff Mack for your second place finish in the Masters Event in the 200 meters for the 40 and over age group in Eugene, Oregon. Let’s consider this: Mack holds down a position as an Electronic Technician with the City of Largo in the Wastewater Department.
Some people may wonder how does this guy attend all of these track meets and hold down a fulltime job? Actually there were some of his co-workers who were not aware that he is such an athlete. Somehow his coworkers found out that there was an article done on his accomplishments outside of work. They posted the articles around the facility and near the time clock. As a direct result of reading the articles, they started to ask questions about where the next meet would be. After finding out the particulars the Director and Assistant Director of Environmental Services, Irvin Kety and Gary Jones-Glascock, got with the entire department who raised funds and travel expenses to finance Mack to attend the meet in Lisle, Illinois. The sponsored paid trip could not have come at a better time with the economic situation being the way it is. The entire Environmental Services Department deserves kudos for taking interest in one of its employees. Mack has the overwhelming support of his co-workers and The City of Largo. This meet sums up a magnificent season for Jeff Mack and he is looking forward to the 2013 track season which he hopes to get better with time like aged old wine. The bottom line here is Mack says, “Without God and family none of this would be possible.”