Liars, Cowards and Opportunists

Speaking Together Technically

From Perry Busby and Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

      The last time I looked in the mirror I was Black. The last time I got into my car and drove I was Black. The last time I decided to vote I was Black. Everything that I do and have done I am reminded that I am Black. I don’t rely on others to let me know that I am Black because I know I am Black.

Now, I said all of that to say this: now that the special elections are over I am still Black.

After having conversations with several of the candidates and listening to all of the candidates at one time or another it has led me to believe that some of them have forgotten that they were Black. You don’t need to guess, you don’t have to get angry at me you don’t need to do any of that, what you do have to do is to remember that you are Black. Being Black there are certain things that you must NOT do. Do I need to remind you of what you must NOT do-THAT IS NOT TO FORGET THAT YOU ARE BLACK.

In some cases and in some instances we all need to be reminded that being Black comes with a responsibility to be Black. In this society of systemic racism which has forged the mentality on Blackness to think that we’re less than we are, and some of us believe that.

The subliminal power of systemic racism runs deep to the core and if your anchor is not grounded in the faith that has been given to us, instilled in us, left with us by a Spiritual connection to the foundation of life, then you will find yourself floating into oblivion anchored by systemic racism and all that it presents itself to be.

As I stated in the forementioned synthesis of this article that I am Black I attended HBCUs historical Black colleges and universities and doing my tenure at three of those HBCUs I found myself engaged in card games. The most fond memories I have of those card games is the one called Whist and if you were a real true card player then you played Bid Whist; Spade was a distance third place.  By engaging and being pretty good at those games there were times that I had to be a liar, a coward and an opportunists if my teammate and I wanted to win.

It seems to me that those traits didn’t stop at HBCUs. and now to the second part of this article.

Ask any Bid Whist or Spades player, and they will tell you that there is nothing more aggravating and disheartening than to have a hand that has “Boston” written across it like a neon sign, only to find out your partner isn’t the skilled player you were led to believe, and instead of running the table, your partner just reneged.

Now, you’re in the negative.

I don’t know about you, but I often have that same feeling when it comes to many elected leaders. I have voted consistently, in local and general elections, for nearly forty years. After the fiery speeches and passionate promises, fist-bumping and picture taking they seem to fade away like morning mist over a lake when the sun rises yet their effects linger like a bad nightmare.

Since 2018, African Americans have played an integral role in helping Democrats take control of the House, the Senate and the White House.

State-wide offices in states such as Texas, Georgia and Wisconsin, that were considered GOP strongholds, are now competitive. In Harris County, Texas, seventeen African American female attorneys were elected to judgeships through the strength of African American voters.

Past the photoshopped pictures and choreographed video streams it seems as though our country faces some significant challenges in the formative years of this new millennium and century. It requires leaders with a vision for the future, not a near-sighted reflection of yesteryear.

Be that as it may the unapologetic characteristics of misleading voters is not accepted and does not do any good for adding new votes to the roll, as a matter of fact the voter turnout continues to decrease.

So you see card playing time is over!

Let us know what you think. Email us at or As always stay tuned to the Westside Gazette for more information about your vote.

About Carma Henry 24752 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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