Rep. Hazelle Rogers rallies Florida immigrant groups to demand action from Governor Scott to ‘fix Florida’s early voting crisis’

Rep. Hazelle Rogers
Rep. Hazelle Rogers

Rep. Hazelle Rogers rallies Florida immigrant groups to demand action from Governor Scott to ‘fix Florida’s early voting crisis’

Submitted by the Office of Rep. Hazelle Rogers

     LAUDERHILL, FL – State Representative Hazelle Rogers (D-Lauderhill) recently issued the following release, calling on Governor Rick Scott to take urgent action to ensure that Florida’s early voting procedures do not disenfranchise voters anywhere in Florida.

     “Last year, the Republican-controlled Legislature slashed the number of early voting days to eight, which is an attack on minorities’ early voting rights. As a Democratic Caucus member and a founding member of the Caribbean Caucus in Tallahassee, I now urge all immigrant organizations and their members to tell Governor Rick Scott to stop the voter suppression and to protect minorities’ early voting opportunities.

     “Minority voters and many Florida Democrats rely greatly on early voting. It is outrageous that the Republican-led Legislature attempted a blatant attack on early voting rights. It is time now to let the governor know that he should fix the chaos he has created. Florida needs a statewide uniform early voting procedure that maximizes early voting hours and days in all 67 Florida counties.

     “To protect the tradition of early voting, please call Governor Rick Scott now at (850) 488-7146 or use this website to send him an email: to say you that want MORE EARLY VOTING HOURS IN ALL FLORIDA COUNTIES.”


About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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