“The scourge of deadly vengeance only begets vengeance, rather than peace.” John Johnson II, 10/30/23
By John Johnson II
Unfortunately, America and Israel during the 21st century have each suffered horrific terrorists’ attacks, justly labeled as 9/11 and 10/07 respectively. These two dates now join these two Countries’ historical tragedies as dates of infamy. A discussion of these two events simultaneously is imperative. Noticeably, there’s a demonstrative correlation between these Nations’ ill preparedness to protect their citizens from these deadly, barbaric attacks; thus, giving rise to both Nations’ people clamoring for vengeance far more brutal and horrific than the acts of the terrorists.
Both America and Israel can’t and should never allow any of its enemies, especially weak unsophisticated ones, to launch a surprise attack killing thousands of its citizens. They must be ever so cognizant of how their own foreign policies and suppressive tactics create an endless slate of enemies. Regrettably, failure to prevent such attacks gives rise to the scourge of deadly vengeance.
When the leaders of superpowers fail to correct and eliminate their colonial occupation, including the denial of other peoples’ basic rights and freedoms, they create a ground swell of enemies willing to kill and die for the opportunity to live with the same freedom and dignity as Americans and Israelis.
Consequently, the question is asked, “What could America and Israel have done to deserve these brutal attacks?” It has been reported that Anti-Americanism was spurred by the Iranian Revolution, its support for Israel, and repressive and Arab regimes.
On the other hand, Israelis are hated because they’re viewed as occupiers having taken land once belonging to the Philistines. It’s also recorded in archaeological records that this group reached this region around the 12 century BCE. Wouldn’t this entitle them to some rights of ownership?
After World War II, in 1947, the United Nations adopted Resolution 181, thereby dividing Palestine into Arab and Jewish States. The State of Israel was created on May 14, 1948, which ignited the first Arab- Israeli War. Israel, now viewed as occupiers, have experienced countless wars which have enabled them through victories to claim even more of the Palestinians’ land.
Numerous American presidents have labored to convince Israel to return the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel after the war of 1967. This land includes the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Palestinians have been forced to live as refugees in their own country, which is more of an open-air crowded reservation.
The U.S. government did the same things to Indigenous people. Our government stole their land, nearly committed genocide against them before forcing them to live as refugees on their own land, which are now reservations. They also paid bounties for the scalps of any Indians killed.
One must admit, it’s somewhat anticlimactic to chronicle why America and Israel are so vehemently hated. Yet, both Nation’s refuse to acknowledge their wrong doings. President Biden warned Israel not to make the same mistakes America made after 9/11, seeking vengeance to calm the fears, grief, and anger of its citizens. Biden was terrible wrong, America didn’t just make mistakes, they were colossal deadly failures.
America’s President, George W. Bush concocted lies about Saddam Hussein having weapons of “Mass Destruction” to invade Iraq. This scourge of deadly vengeance resulted in a war lasting seven years. Ten thousands U.S. soldiers and over eight thousands contractors were killed. Those wounded exceeded 200,000. The Pentagon estimated that approximately 100,000 Iraqi soldiers and 7,000 civilians were killed.
Israel’s 10/07 date of infamy resulted with attacks which can only be described as the actions of depraved wild beast. Sociologists would probably characterize Hamas terrorists as men so deprived of their humanity that they reviled every Israeli living across their boarders.
Now Israel, as America, finds itself embroiled with grief, anger, and a call for deadly vengeance. Nevertheless, they’re also laboring to understand how and why their own Prime Minister, Bengamin Netanyahu failed to protect them. Hamas’ tactics were as ancient as the Trojan Horse strategy used by the Greeks to conquer the City of Troy. But with every attack against Israel, the people unite and call for vengeance against their Hamas attackers.
Americans, Arabs, and others around the world are watching as Israel use bombs and missiles to kill Hamas terrorists including Palestine babies yet unborn, men, women, and children. They too are asking, “are these weapons less barbaric than machetes and firebombs?” Dead Palestinians at the hands of Israeli soldiers will certainly give rise to a reciprocal scourge of deadly vengeance.
Does Israel not realize that their continuous attempt to protect itself from its misdeeds by erecting and casting aloud a shield of antisemitism will not endure? Using this tactic to frighten those who raise legitimate criticisms will only fuel cycles of scourge of deadly vengeance from new enemies they create. Israel must know by now or doesn’t care that the scourge of deadly vengeance will never eradicate a people’s desire for their own land and freedoms. For these elements represent life itself!
America and Israel both already know what it’ll take to achieve a short-term peace as well as a lasting peace with Palestine. However, the problems, as reported, lies with America’s unwillingness to seriously considering restricting aid to compel Israel to change. Then there’s Israel’s refusal, thus far, to agree to a two-state solution, settlements on occupied land, the status of Jerusalem, borders agreement, and the fate of Palestine refugees. Additionally, Israel ongoing destruction of the Palestine’s homeland, must include massive funding far greater than the amount of funds donated by America to support Israel’s scourge of deadly vengeance against Hamas. Palestine’s homeland must be rebuilt and allowed self governance.