SME: that’s what Black folks are when it comes to being taken advantage of.

A Message From The Publisher

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We must persuade God rather than men. Acts 5:29 JUB

 By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

The new word/phrase is SME which stands for Subject Matter Expert. It is sad to say but I’m gonna say it- we are and have been taken advantage of from the first time our feet set foot on this soil of America.

All of what we had, what we were, and what we were to become seems to have been left back across the oceans.

If you were to rely on sources other than Black owned media to include 195 years of the Black Press newspapers, magazines, radio, television and all devices of communication to include social media platforms, you would have no hope, or incentive to want to be. As Curtis Mayfield called us, “We The People Who Are Darker Than Blue.”

The U. S. Census Bureau reports that people of Black ethnicity are at the lowest points for getting proper healthcare, life expectancy, greatest populations of prisons, highest deaths from diseases, greater unemployment rates and a hold lot more have not made it any better; in the afford listed areas we are SME (Subject Matter Expert).

We are SME(Subject Matter Expert) when it comes to the subjects of humiliation, castrations and damn near annihilation.

When it’s time for us to vote and to be SME(Subject Matter Expert) we become a LAD, Lost And Disenfranchised.

This LADism is noted most when it comes to exercising one of the greatest powers we have and that is OUR right to vote, the knowledge of putting it fourth into action and recognizing the significance of that power.

Another contention of our SEM (Subject Matter Expert) expertise’s which, has led to our LADism is Black folk adding to the disenfranchisement of Black folk.

We can remedy this by bringing our organizational heads, clergy and grassroots people  together and let’s have “THAT” conversation.

Please stay tuned to Westside Gazette Newspaper and the Westside Gazette’s 2-Minute Warning on FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE to present a plan, events with a consensus of everybody with the attitude of serving to make this happen.

About Carma Henry 25281 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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