Local News

Who opens the church

       Also, it would be a serious risk to the lives of many people as well as communities. I feel that this decision should be left up to the Pastor or Priest and the Lord, not the political leaders. […]

Local News

 The Hate U Give

       About two weeks ago, I watched the movie The Hate U Give with the Pearls of Arts and the Zeta Rho Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Inc.. The movie was about a young  African American girl, who witnessed the death of her best friend while he was shot and killed by a white police officer, even though he was unarmed. […]

Local News

 All good things must come to an end

        School is coming to an end. And still, a lot needs to be done. I have to get all my school work finished and make sure my little sister stays on task. It was hard not having a teacher these last couple of months, but I stayed focus and whenever I needed help my aunt and grandparents were there to assist me. […]

Local News

 When will Brown v. Board of Education become a reality

           On May 17, 1954 the U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional. In this lawsuit, Brown claimed that schools for Black children were not equal to the White schools, and that segregation violated the 14th Amendment, which holds that no state can “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” […]