Local News

Kollege Corner

   To ensure you don’t miss out on service opportunities and prime moments, as well as interactions with people who can make an impact on your matriculation giving you that boost of confidence and encouragement you may need social media proves indispensable in today’s collegiate landscape. Gone are the days when relying solely on newspapers sufficed for campus updates; now, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and more serve as dynamic hubs for staying abreast of campus events, shifts, and noteworthy occurrences. […]


Why MAGA Policies Are Detrimental to Black Communities

     NNPA NEWSWIRE – MAGA proponents peddle baseless claims of widespread voter fraud to justify voter suppression tactics that disproportionately target Black voters. From restrictive voter ID laws to purging voter rolls to limiting early voting hours, these measures are designed to silence the voices of marginalized communities and maintain the status quo of power and privilege. […]

Local News

Why ASALH is Going to Florida

      Like many of you, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) has followed the actions that Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis and other conservative lawmakers have taken against teaching Black History and the histories of other historically marginalized communities. […]