The Bond between American Corporations, the American Congress and the American Consumers

Dr. Phillip Wright, Sr.
Dr. Phillip Wright, Sr.

The Bond between American Corporations, the American Congress and the American Consumers

By P. L. Wright Sr Ph.d.

Here are some startling facts to consider about the Bond between our United States congress, American corporations and the American tax paying consumers. In order to keep Corporate Rules and limited Regulations as the Corporations wish, they are making large contributions to one congressional Party or another in order to control pricing in the Goods and Services Industries. It seems that the American Corporations are controlling our Congress and the Policies set forth. As well, many of our Law Makers sitting in Congressional Seats are also stock holders in these corporations such as Pharmaceuticals, Petroleum, and Utilities. They are getting richer and richer while the average consumer is getting poorer. It seems most difficult to stop this type of Political discord due to the financial gains for those who have stock in these corporations, as well as to what extent they are in facilitating these business transactions. However, President Obama has made some gains in creating accountability Laws and regulations for the Law Makers in congress, and anyone else who choose to participate in this type of control of consumer earning and spending of their tax payer dollars. This is why the other Presidential opposition parties are speaking untruths about President Obama’s’ Policies, and his successes. The same opposition parties are trying their best to convince the American voters to believe what they are saying in order to gain their votes in the November election in 2016.

The Republicans and the Tea Party are not speaking the truth about the issues or what are their plans or resolutions for the issues concerning the American Tax Payers. Unfortunately the Republican Party is the opposition party. They would really like to destroy President Obama and his Administrations’ legacy in history. The American Tax Payers who are listening and watching are becoming more informed and aware of what is the honest truth about President Obama and the opposition. The Presidents’ successes are mounting with the exposure of factual information on Al Sharpton Cable TV show called Politics Nation, week nights at 6 pm on MSNBC cable.



About Carma Henry 24752 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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