By Melanated Glow
It can take over 1,000 years for plastic to decompose, yet for the most part we use it once and throw it away. This leads to this toxic creation being placed in our waters and buried in our soil. There are so many toxic, chemically created products that we carelessly use and discard on a regular basis. This is in an extreme contradiction to how our ancestors treated anything they came in contact with. Most tools had multiple uses, while today we have a different tool for every task. We used almost, if not every, part of everything. Whatever wasn’t used went into the ground to enrich the soil for abundant growing. There was no waste.
Recently in many of the Carribean Islands, the local government has placed a plastic tax for those who choose to use plastic bags instead of reusable bags. This lessens the amount of plastics on the island and makes the environment cleaner. Some countries have started creating biodegradable fireworks and balloons to avoid damage to the Earth and Sky during celebrations. A lot of places are starting to take responsibility for their actions that are destroying the Earth and Ozone Layer.
In spite of the conscious changes happening worldwide, this Nation is continuing business as usual for the most part. We are a part of that destruction. Take a moment to think about all of the things you use regularly that have a one time use. Then multiply that by how many days you do that a year. Then multiply that by the number of years that you have had this habit or one similar. Then multiply that by the number of people on this planet, because if we all live like this, how long will this planet be habitable? Isn’t it our responsibility to care for, provide for, and make decisions beneficial for our children and those that come after us?
When we take a step back from creating a profit and look at our actions as life is concerned, we will begin to see the consequences of our actions. That is when we can make true changes to better our people and living conditions. It is then that we can model appropriate behavior and gain the attention of our children, family, and other loved ones for good. Just because something is convenient doesn’t mean that it is the only option for consideration. We must look at the cost of our decisions and do the work necessary for our growth and positive development.
When we do that and take our responsibility seriously, we will then be able to give this Earth its natural rhythm back. From the worms to the birds, to the bees and the plants, to the animals in the sea and the ones roaming on the land. We will then care about their habitat and not spray harmful chemicals to get rid of the “weeds”, that are actually healing herbs, in exchange for grass that can’t nourish our bodies because we are unable to process it. These pesticides are chemicals that are killing the insects and killing us slowly. When we tune in to what is going on around us, we will then recognize the seasons of the fruit trees and the flowers and observe the natural cycles in the World that they symbolize, we will then be in rhythm with the divine Cycle of Life.