“Any President clothed in racism is morally naked.” John Johnson II 10/02/24
By John Johnson II
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) lists America’s most wanted fugitives. These fugitives’ crimes range from murder to cybercrimes. However, the urgency is straightforward: in just thirty-six days, voters will go to the polls on November 5, 2024, to elect America’s 47th president. Despite former President Trump not being a fugitive, he’s out of jail on bail. Consequently, Trump is more dangerous than America’s most wanted fugitives.
However, Trump’s conviction as a felon and indictment for attempting to overthrow the government should’ve made him America’s number “One” domestic threat. Still, his crimes are far more egregious than those committed by the existing (F.B.I.) fugitives. Besides, Republican Senator Ted Cruz called Trump “a pathological liar and a serial philanderer.”
Just as 1st-degree murder is worse than manslaughter, rebellion/insurrection is far more horrific than any murder. An attempt to circumvent the will of tens of millions of America’s voters constitutes a degrading of the U.S. Constitution. Trump’s refusal to admit that he lost the 2020 presidential election fuels his unwillingness to accept the outcomes should he lose again.
Section 2383, Rebellion, or Insurrection, of the U.S. Constitution, stipulates the severity and punishment for this crime. It reads, “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereof, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
Republican Congresspersons fear Trump, and Evangelicals anointed him as their chosen “One,’ white supremacists hailed him as the avenger against the “replacement theory, and the rich view him as their tax-cutting genie. Subsequently, Trump packed the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) and Federal Courts, as Casinos packed decks of cards, to ensure he won.
Unsurprisingly, Trump’s criminal behavior received unparalleled shielding from the cornerstones of America’s justice system. SCOTUS, six supermajority justices, overturned Roe v. Wade as directed. The Colorado v. Trump case raised constitutional questions but didn’t allow his removal from the ballot. Judge Alieen M. Cannon’s dismissal of the case against Trump for withholding classified documents shielded him from further prosecution.
Trump’s crimes, on the other hand, constituted a willful and deliberate attempt to overthrow his government, control the divided branches of government, trash the U.S. Constitution, and reign as a dictator, overshadowing the rule of law. His anti-Democratic values threaten America’s existence as a Democracy.
Voters, pause for a moment and ask yourself, why is Trump more dangerous? Recently, he said, ”A violent day of policing will end crime.” His use of racist rhetoric is unbefitting of any human being, not to mention a candidate for the Presidency.
Okay, let’s use a little common sense: knowing Trump is morally unfit and dangerous, ask yourself a simple question. ‘If you wouldn’t hire Trump to run your multi-million-dollar corporation, why would you vote for him again to run the government?’
Regrettably, Trump, as a dangerous demagogue, has hijacked the Republican Party, turned six of SCOTUS’ justices into coconspirators, corrupted Federal judges, and induced MAGA followers to behave like a cult. Still, there remains an even darker and cynical element. Trump has been able to rekindle and ignite the deeply rooted racism, bigotry, and hatred far too long embedded within the fabric of America. Trump won’t escape the wrath of voters.
However, when all seemed lost, God sent America Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Dr. Martin Luther King, and now Kamala Harris. In the words of the old Negro spiritual, “WE’VE COME TOO FAR TO BE TURNED BACK,” by Trump, a dangerous demagogue.