Evelyn Onyejuruwa, Barika Williams, Jahra Lawrence, Esq., Robyn Hankerson, senior vice-president, Nerissa Street, vice-president of Professional Development, Garth Williams, vice-president of Operations, Kerline Jules, president, Elizee Milhomme, vice-president of Policy and Procedures, Norma Jules, Secretary and Dionne Dean, vice-president of Programs.
By Tamara G
The Young Professionals Network of The Urban League of Broward County installed their new officers Wednesday, July 11, at a ceremony in their brand new building at The Community Empowerment Center, located next to the African-American Research Library and Cultural Center (AARLCC).
YPN is comprised of working professionals, ages 21-40. They have been described as the next rising group of young “super-stars” who will be guiding policy and change in Broward’s business world as well as their collective community and charity work in making Broward County a better place to live and work in the coming years.
Incoming President Kerline Jules explained that YPN is comprised solely of volunteers who are trying to promote the ideals and programs set up by the national office of The Urban League, as related to education, jobs housing and health.
According to Jules, “We do that through membership development, philanthropy and volunteerism. We are the next generation of community leaders.”
The group’s theme for the coming year is “One Voice, One Sound, One Movement” and since The Urban League is a county-wide initiative, their mission this year will be to do programs and service events throughout Broward County, not just the Sistrunk corridor. Jules said YPN also would be giving away their first ever scholarship and having a back-to-school party in August.
For more information on the Young Professionals Network of The Urban League of Bro-ward County, please call (954) 584-0777 or visit www.ulbroward.org.