Who is Afraid of Black History  Month in 2022

Roger Caldwell

By Roger Caldwell

As millions of Blacks and African Americans celebrate Black History Month in February 2022, HBCUs are under attack with bomb threats, since the second week in January 2022. It is now February 6, 2022, and no one has been arrested, and over 14 HBCUs have been threatened. The FBI has been engaged with an investigation, but still at this time no one has been apprehended.

It is obvious that HBCUs are under attack, and Black students, parents, and educators are afraid, and uncomfortable every day, and no one has any answers. There is a new level of harassment from White supremacy groups, and there is a heightened awareness of race relations and tensions. Black History month is supposed to be a time of celebration and reflection of Black Americans’ successes, but our Black college students are concerned if they will live to see tomorrow.

There are millions of Black Americans who are not even aware that our young scholars are living every day under terror, and very few in the media are telling the story. These conditions are not happening at other universities, and this should be a lead story in mainstream media, and the Black media should be blowing up this story everywhere. There should be summits at every HBCU, on Black radio, Black TV, and the focus should be, “Our community is under siege, and we must protect our students, educators, HBCUs and communities.”

Earlier this week, Margaret Huang, President and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), issued a statement out of Montgomery in response to the recent developments with bomb threats at HBCUS.

“HBCUs are among our nation’s most trusted institutions of higher education – safe spaces where many students of color choose to not only advance their education, but also to embrace and enjoy their shared experiences and rich culture. Recent news reports revealed that the FBI identified the suspects accused of making these hateful, violent threats against HBCU.”

Since no particular group, organization, or individuals have been arrested, the reports coming from the FBI are speculation. The FBI is claiming that a terrorist organization identified as the Atomwaffen Division (ADW) is behind these threats, but where are the arrests?

With the American history of violence against Blacks, more pressure must be applied to the Federal, State, and local police agencies to do their job, because things can escalate very quickly. Who or whatever group is behind these threats, at any time it can be the real thing being executed?

During Black History Month in 2022, it is critical for Blacks to develop a plan of action, for our HBCUs. It is time to tell the truth about America’s violent treatment of Blacks, and the destruction of our communities, and now the threat to HBCUs.

American history has proven time and again that Black massacres started as a threat, and eventually they were executed, and no one was prosecuted. There is something wrong with the system, when these threats have increased over a month, and no one has been arrested, or charged.

“Since the murder of George Floyd in 2020 and the ensuing protest for racial justice, conservative lawmakers across the country have introduced bills or passed laws aimed at limiting discussion about racism in grades K-12. In Georgia, lawmakers introduced bills, which would penalize schools for teaching about race,” says Anthony Jackson – a professor at Bowie State University.

During Black History Month 2022, many Americans are frightened and feel it is against the law to talk about racial issues and racial violence. Police Departments are on high alert, and the students, parents and educators are not able to sleep. Terrorist are threatening HBCUs and where are the arrests of these heinous acts.

There are now more questions than answers, and mental sickness is pervasive in America.


About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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