Women Treated as Livestock & Poultry Since 1864

John Johnson

“A Nation where  its own  government, Supreme Court, and local/state governments  use laws to treat women as livestock and poultry and deny their inalienable rights, ceases to be a democracy”…John Johnson  II (04/16/24)     

 By John Johnson II

    Regrettably,  women have suffered denial  of their inalienable rights  by white men for Centuries. Sadly, the resistance to defend women’s reproductive rights  faces constant roadblocks. SCOTUS gleefully overturned  Roe v. Wade. Now Arizona’s Supreme Court reaffirmed an 1864 law, which banned abortions  at all stages. Farmers controlled and labeled their farm animals as livestock and poultry. Republicans at the federal and state levels  are passing laws literally treating  women  as livestock and poultry.

Remember, during the early part of the 20th century, women were legally the chattel property of white men.  “A wo – man’s body, her children, and the clothes on her back belong to her husband.” Now,  they  continually want to treat them as livestock and corral their reproductive rights.

Livestock  refers to  animals such as cattle, sheep, horses, and other domestic animals. Domestic fowl, which includes  chickens and turkeys, are poultry. The corollary between  domestic  animals/poultry and women is that women’s treatment  resembled that of  livestock.

Should a rogue stallion impregnant a prize mare, the owner can immediately get  an abortion for his mare. This isn’t an automatic option for women. Once women become pregnant, their ovaries and fetus belong to local pro-life governments.  In other words, a six-week-old fetus inalienable rights exceeds those of  an impregnated woman. Presently, only women can conceive and bear babies. However, they’re not Republicans’ and white supremacists’ livestock and poultry.

At this junction, the impregnated woman goes from treatment as livestock to being consider  poultry. She then functions as a mother egg laying hen and   forced into  incubating  this fertilized egg for nine months. Why should a woman’s pregnancy give states the right to suspend her inalienable rights? Anti-abortion laws are  indicative of a depraved,  immoral, and theocracy society.

If a baby is born due to incest  involving the father, he’ll also be the grandfather. Pregnancy caused by  a rapist is equally tragic and immoral. The mother will certainly  face psychological trauma as well as a distorted concept of motherhood  that’ll last forever.  Mares are  spared birthing a deformed foal or a pregnancy caused by a  rogue stallion. Livestock and poultry don’t even have inalienable rights! Yet protecting their reproductive rights is a higher priority.

Women impregnated as result of rape should  automatically  have an abortion if it’s their choice. Why should she have to bear the child of her rapist? It’s amazing how Supreme Court Justices and their spouses can prostitute their positions and relationships  to impregnate their bank accounts with money acquired unethically. Yet, they have the option of aborting this money or keeping  it.

Republicans and their pro-life white nationalists intentionally ignore the medical complications associated with babies born due to incest.  Shirley Davis (2022) reported that these babies are more likely to have physical deformities such as cleft palates and lower IQ scores.  Why would Republicans and pro-lifers  want to subject women impregnated by incest to risk  bearing babies with deformities and cleft palates? It’s certainly a topic in need of further study.

Governor DeSantis’ Six weeks abortion ban, which treats women as livestock and poultry, crushed his chances of gaining support from female mid-westerners during his visit. It also doomed his presidential aspirations. His recently signed Bill 184 prohibits the harassment of a police officer actively doing his or her job. This bill literally  criminalizes citizens who yelled and screamed  attempting to stop Minneapolis police officer  Derek Chauvin from murdering George Floyd.

Alabama’s Gov. Kay Ivey abortion legislation will make abortions a felony. He alleges that, “life is a sacred gift from God.” This utterance boarders on establishing a theocracy and governing according to religious scriptures. Will he use the Bible to legislate stoning  as punishment for women convicted of a felony? Remember, Black babies  kidnapped, were  used as gator bait. Regrettably, White supremacists’ inhumanity to humankind remains alive in America.

Despite  pro-lifers’ love and protection for  the fetus, their passionate  emotions for babies born and children ceases drastically.   It’s reported that in 2022,  11.6 million (16%)children in America lived in poverty.  The US Census Bureau reported that 2023 saw a significant increase in child poverty.

Every year 4.2 million youth and adult’s experiences homelessness. Children awaiting adoption in the US exceeds 100,000.  And Republicans  want to ban universal free school  lunch programs. Unfortunately, Republicans and pro-lifers only want to guarantee the unborn child nine months of love and protection.

By-the-way, Mickey and Minnie have applied for sanctuary in the witness protection program, and it isn’t  because she’s harboring a fetus. They just don’t won’t to  mistakenly face labeling as livestock or poultry.



About Carma Henry 24730 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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