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America Benefits from an Imperfect Man in the Perfect Role

     Cohen is not the only example of the media’s desperation to attack all things Trump. In the past few weeks, their bias has been on clear display. The press prematurely hyped an edited video of a Trump supporter standing before a Native American provocateur. Of course, there is also the outrageous Jussie Smollett fiasco, in which the actor apparently faked a hate crime and ascribed it to alleged Trump supporters. […]

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Can We Divest from Weapons Dealers?

     Impoverished people living in numerous countries today would stand a far better chance of survival, and risk far less trauma, if weapon manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, and Raytheon stopped manufacturing and selling death-dealing products. […]

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In defense of being maladjusted

     As we fumble along into the second half of a disastrous regime here in America, are we supposed to adjust to being gaslighted daily by a leader so corrupt he will say something in a speech that is recorded and then deny ever having said it? […]


Rest in Peace: Local Leaders Step Up to Protect the Sacred Remains of the ‘Sugar Land 95’

The discovery of the remains of the ‘Sugar Land 95’ victims, the majority of whom are believed to be former slaves who were a part of the state of Texas’ controversial and inhumane convict-leasing system, could have been unearthed well before the contractor found the remains if people chose to listen to community activist and historian Reginald Moore from the beginning. (Photo: […]