National News

70 Years Ago Black Activists Accused the U.S. of Genocide.

     Seventy years ago this month, on Dec. 17, 1951, the United Nations received a bold petition, delivered in two cities at once: Activist William Patterson presented the document to the U.N. assembly in Paris, while his comrade Paul Robeson, the famous actor and singer, did the same at the U.N. offices in New York. W.E.B. Du Bois, a leading Black intellectual, was among the petition’s signatories. […]



    Florida’s fascists fool the Trumptarded tool Matt Gaetz will be arrested, he will be put on public trial for his pedophilia, and Traitor Trump’s asinine acolyte Gaetz will be sent to federal prison where child molesters like Moral Majority Matt will be ever so popular with his sex-starved cell mates. Four words of advice for Florida Man Matt Gaetz when he’s in the prison shower room at Club Fed:  DON’T DROP THE SOAP! […]